Luke Skywalker, Faithful Friend
Chopper Base
3 Chopper, Metal Menace
1 R2-D2, Ignoring Protocol
3 Restored ARC-170
3 Leia Organa, Defiant Princess
2 Lothal Insurgent
3 Millennium Falcon, Piece of Junk
3 Ezra Bridger, Resourceful Troublemaker
3 Fleet Lieutenant
2 Yoda, Old Master
3 Kanan Jarrus, Revealed Jedi
2 Chewbacca, Loyal Companion
2 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Following Fate
3 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight
2 Redemption, Medical Frigate
3 Surprise Strike
2 Spark of Rebellion
2 Sneak Attack
3 Cunning
2 Vigilance
3 Luke's Lightsaber
2 Bamboozle
1 Spark of Rebellion
1 Regional Governor
1 Waylay
1 Bodhi Rook, Imperial Defector
1 Vigilance
2 Vanquish
1 Redemption, Medical Frigate