Chirrut Îmwe, One With The Force
3 R2-D2, Ignoring Protocol
3 Green Squadron A-Wing
3 Regional Governor
3 Restored ARC-170
1 Guardian of the Whills
3 Yoda, Old Master
3 Star Wing Scout
3 Kanan Jarrus, Revealed Jedi
3 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Following Fate
3 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight
3 Mace Windu, Party Crasher
2 Open Fire
3 The Force Is With Me
3 Resilient
3 Entrenched
3 Electrostaff
2 Luke's Lightsaber
3 Jedi Lightsaber
3 Disabling Fang Fighter
3 System Patrol Craft
2 Takedown
2 Redemption, Medical Frigate