Rabsca Randbats! - Random Battle Doubles
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Organized by ParentheticalVGC
Custom format


Join the world's #1 Flygon pokefan in a Random Battle Doubles tournament! This tournament will use the Random Doubles Battle format on Showdown!

Rules for this tournament; All games played on Showdown! and are BO3, closed team sheet, Random Doubles Battle format. As this is a random battles format, your team (as well as your opponent's) will change every battle. How chaotic!

Tournament will run an appropriate number of BO3 swiss rounds depending on number of participants leading to a top cut of X-2 players. You will need to check in on Limitless at the beginning of each round. You will have 10 minutes at the beginning of each round to check in, failing to do so will result in a set loss.

Any harassment, use of slurs, or general unsportsmanlike behaviors will result in a game loss and possible removal from tournament. Use the "Request a judge" feature in Limitless to request a judge, or you can ping @Tourney Organizer in the VGCTS discord.

The whole tournament can be played strictly within Limitless, but for announcements including start of tournament and rounds please feel free to stop by the VGC Trainers School discord at https://discord.com/invite/YM2gbNE4

Tournament Structure

Round Robin
Round Robin (all-play-all) - BO3
30 minutes per round
10 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0