1.20 Ralts (PL-89)
0.80 Flabebe (FLI-83)
0.80 Floette (CEC-151)
0.80 Kirlia (SIT-68)
0.80 Claydol (GE-15)
0.80 Ditto (LA-27)
0.60 Lapras (LM-8)
0.60 Azelf (LA-19)
0.60 Squirtle (BCR-29)
0.60 Porygon2 (DS-25)
0.60 Porygon-Z (UNB-157)
0.40 Florges (FLI-86)
0.40 Squawkabilly ex (PAF-75)
0.40 Baltoy (GE-60)
0.40 Blastoise (PLB-16)
0.40 Chien-Pao ex (PAL-61)
0.40 Holon's Magneton (DS-22)
0.40 Radiant Greninja (ASR-46)
0.40 Porygon (LOR-140)
0.40 Porygon (E2-103)
0.40 Shuppet (SVI-87)
0.40 Banette ex (SVI-88)
0.40 Baltoy (AOR-32)
0.20 Florges (CEC-152)
0.20 Crobat V (SHF-44)
0.20 Umbreon Star (P5-17)
0.20 Mew ex (MEW-151)
0.20 Guzzlord (CEC-136)
0.20 Reshiram (SHF-17)
0.20 Gardevoir ex (PAF-29)
0.20 Gardevoir (SW-7)
0.20 Mew (CEL-11)
0.20 Mew (UNB-76)
0.20 Giratina (LOT-97)
0.20 Espeon & Deoxys-GX (UNM-72)
0.20 Scream Tail (PAR-86)
0.20 Tapu Lele-GX (GRI-60)
0.20 Zacian V (CEL-16)
0.20 Rapid Strike Urshifu V (BST-87)
0.20 Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX (BST-88)
0.20 Tropius (EVS-6)
0.20 Shadow Rider Calyrex V (CRE-74)
0.20 Ditto (RG-4)
3.20 VS Seeker
2.40 Ultra Ball
1.80 Rare Candy
1.60 Level Ball
1.40 Battle VIP Pass
1.20 Evolution Incense
1.00 Nest Ball
0.80 Professor's Research
0.80 Pokédex HANDY910is
0.80 Sky Field
0.80 Guzma
0.80 Luxury Ball
0.80 Fog Crystal
0.80 Mysterious Treasure
0.80 Green's Exploration
0.60 Irida
0.60 Superior Energy Retrieval
0.60 VS Seeker
0.60 Computer Search
0.60 Float Stone
0.60 Special Charge
0.60 Battle Compressor
0.40 Plumeria
0.40 Team Rocket's Handiwork
0.40 Erika's Perfume
0.40 Warp Point
0.40 Iono
0.40 N
0.40 Field Blower
0.40 Fighting Fury Belt
0.40 Brooklet Hill
0.40 Gordie
0.40 Professor Oak's New Theory
0.40 Dual Ball
0.40 Path to the Peak
0.40 Raihan
0.40 Quick Ball
0.20 Cyllene
0.20 Peonia
0.20 Team Yell's Cheer
0.20 Rescue Carrier
0.20 Switch
0.20 Memory Capsule
0.20 Klara
0.20 Escape Rope
0.20 Hisuian Heavy Ball
0.20 Professor's Letter
0.20 Super Rod
0.20 Arven
0.20 Rescue Stretcher
0.20 Bravery Charm
0.20 Avery
0.20 Marnie
0.20 Miriam
0.20 Worker
0.20 Ordinary Rod
0.20 Parallel City
0.20 Cheryl
0.20 Counter Catcher
0.20 Earthen Vessel
0.20 Enhanced Hammer
0.20 Pokémon Retriever
0.20 Forest Seal Stone
0.20 Lost City
3.00 Psychic Energy
1.60 Water Energy
1.00 Aurora Energy
0.80 Prism Energy
0.80 Rainbow Energy
0.40 Counter Energy
0.20 Double Colorless Energy
0.20 Rapid Strike Energy
0.20 Fighting Energy
0.20 Grass Energy