Organized by The Can Cup | |
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【PTCG Live】第五届罐头杯
【PTCG Live】The Can Cup #5
World Invitational Tournament(free)
全世界的宝可梦训练家们大家好,我是b站up主:带鱼罐头-。这个系列比赛是在 PTCG Live 上线后,本团队举办的第五场比赛。为挑选出世界最强宝可梦训练家,向各位发出邀请,来参加本次世界邀请赛,欢迎所有五湖四海的朋友们来参加此次比赛。
Hello all Pokémon trainers all around the world. I'm a content creator from BiliBili: 带鱼罐头-. This series of competitions is the fifth competition organized by our team after the launch of PTCG Live. In order to find the best Pokémon trainers in the world, I would like to invite every one of you to participate in the Can Cup #5 World Invitational Tournament. Everyone is welcome to participate in this tournament.
About Us
As the news of Chinese Simplified Pokémon Trading Card Game continues to spread, there are more and more Chinese PTCG players joining the community, but their level of skills are mixed. The purpose of The Can Cup is to provide a platform for all trainers to learn and improve their skills easily.
The Can Cup strives to be the best and most professional PTCGO event. This event is totally FREE! No fee needed in the Can Cup, and we will ensure the fairness and justice during all the match-ups.
Rules and Procedures Related to This Event
- 所有玩家必须在规定时间内提交卡表并且check in;
All players must submit their deck and check in on time;
- 瑞士轮为bo1,比赛时间为35分钟,其中前5分钟为check in时间;
The Swiss round is best of 1, 35 minutes per round, while the first 5 minutes is for check in;
- 前16强进入两轮bo1淘汰赛,不设置比赛时限;
Second phase is best of 1 single elimination, top 16 cut, 2 rounds, no time limit for this phase;
- 4强进行两轮bo3淘汰赛,不设置比赛时限;
Last phase is best of 3 single elimination, top 4 cut, 2 rounds, no time limit for this phase;
- 在bo3淘汰赛中,第二回合开始,败方选择先后手顺序;
In best of 3 single elimination, starting from the 2nd game, loser choose who goes first;
- 如果您无法check in请及时呼叫裁判;
If you cannot check in, please call the judge;
- 所有选手有责任在每场比赛前check in,否则将导致自动输掉比赛;
All players should be responsible for checking in before each game. Otherwise, they will automatically lose the game;
- 本赛事规则采用PTCG国际标准环境规则;
The rule of this event is adopting PTCG international standard rules;
- 如果在瑞士轮bo3计时结束后还无法决出胜负,除非工作人员另有说明,否则比赛将为平局;
If the winner cannot be decided by the end of the Swiss bo3 timing, the match will be seen as a draw unless instructed by the judge;
- 若发现对手使用的卡组与提交的卡组有出入,请截图保留证据,在limitless中呼叫裁判,并于discord或QQ群中提供截图。若经裁判确认属实,则该对手直接判负;
If you find the deck that opponant used is different from the submission, screen shot and request judge on Limitless. Then you can provide the screen shot to @L Godzilla in Discord. If it is confirmed, that opponant will lose automatically;
- 如果您遇到以下任何一种情况,包括但不限于:游戏冻结、网络连接问题、服务器问题、游戏延迟、软件故障、设备崩溃-如果游戏无法使用,将被判负。除非无可避免,否则尽可能尝试完成游戏;
If you experience any of the following, including but not limited to game freezes, network connection issues, server issues, game lag, software glitches, or device crashes, it will be considered as a lose. Try to finish the game as much as possible;
- 胜利记3分,失败记0分,如果双方玩家无法在规定时间内完成比赛则记平,各1分;
3 points for a win, 0 points for a loss, 1 point for a tie if both players fail to complete the game within the specified time;
- 如果您认为您的对手故意拖时间,请尽早呼叫裁判。唯一可接受的证明形式是录制视频;
If you think your opponent is slow playing, please call the judge as soon as possible. The only acceptable proof is recorded video;
- 赛后冠亚军会有一个简单的采访,自愿参加;
After all the game, there will be a short interview for the champion, which is voluntary;
- 建议选手每场对局都留下胜利的截图以保存为证,以防止造成不必要的问题。如果双方都没有截图证据而产生纠纷,则会对双方选手的比赛结果进行双败处理。
It is recommended that players leave a screenshot of the win in each game to save as evidence to prevent unnecessary problems in any case. If there is no screenshot evidence for both sides and a dispute arises happened, the result of the game for both players will be dealt with as a loss.
Other Information
如果您不熟悉Play Limitless网站或需要更多信息,请阅读
If you are not familiar with the Play Limitless website or need more information, please read
本次赛事将会在b站和discord上全程直播进行解说 各位观众可以来直播间与大家一起交流分享看法。
This event will be broadcast live on Bilibili and discord for commentary. All viewers can come to the live broadcast room to share their views with you.
About Swiss Round
50 to 70 players: 6 Swiss rounds
70 to 100 players: 7 Swiss rounds
100 to 200 players: 8 Swiss rounds
200 to 300 players: 12 Swiss rounds
第1名:sv4 Code 150个
第2名:sv4 Code 100个
第3~4名:sv4 Code 60个
第5~8名:sv4 Code 30个
第9~16名:sv4 Code 15个
第17~36名:sv4 Code 5个
1st: 150 PAR Code
2nd: 100 PAR Code
Top 4: 60 PAR Code
Top 8: 30 PAR Code
Top 16: 15 PAR Code
Top 36: 5 PAR Code
Special Thanks
由 The Shining Lion辉耀雄狮 团队承办
Organized by The Shining Lion
Sincere thanks to P卡社、带鱼罐头 and 嵐 Strong sponsorship of this event.
Please also give thumbs up and follow 带鱼罐头 in BiliBili that you can learn about the details of the event in the long run
Contact Us
The Can Cup contestant Tencent QQ group: 737295115
带鱼罐头 fans Tencent QQ group: 200474408
You can also join our discord group: