4 Kida - Atlantean
4 Wendy Darling - Talented Sailor
4 Simba - Protective Cub
4 Piglet - Pooh Pirate Captain
4 Mother Gothel - Withered and Wicked
3 Stitch - Little Rocket
3 Simba - Scrappy Cub
3 Baloo - Von Bruinwald XIII
2 Pongo - Determined Father
4 Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing
4 Kida - Protector Of Atlantis
4 Jim Hawkins - Space Traveler
2 Maui - Hero to All
2 Mufasa - Betrayed Leader
2 Perdita - Devoted Mother
1 Chernabog - Evildoer
4 Never Land - Mermaid Lagoon
4 Agrabah - Marketplace
2 RLS Legacy - Solar Galleon