4.00 Belle - Strange but Special
4.00 Beast - Tragic Hero
4.00 Cogsworth - Grandfather Clock
4.00 Tinker Bell - Giant Fairy
4.00 Hades - Infernal Schemer
3.00 Hiram Flaversham - Toymaker
2.67 Prince Eric - Dashing and Brave
2.00 Jafar - Royal Vizier
2.00 Mickey Mouse - Detective
2.00 Benja - Guardian of the Dragon Gem
1.33 Cruella De Vil - Fashionable Cruiser
1.00 Winnie The Pooh - Having a Think
4.00 Nothing to Hide
4.00 A Whole New World
4.00 Grab Your Sword
3.00 Smash
2.00 Let It Go
1.00 Strength of a Raging Fire
4.00 Pawpsicle
4.00 Fishbone Quill