4.00 The Queen - Regal Monarch
4.00 Gramma Tala - Storyteller
4.00 Sleepy - Nodding Off
4.00 Mickey Mouse - Detective
4.00 Goofy - Musketeer
4.00 Maleficent - Uninvited
4.00 Eudora - Accomplished Seamstress
3.00 Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing
3.00 The Queen - Commanding Presence
3.00 Hades - Infernal Schemer
2.00 Caterpillar - Calm and Collected
2.00 Aurora - Dreaming Guardian
2.00 Mufasa - Betrayed Leader
2.00 Cogsworth - Grandfather Clock
4.00 Nothing to Hide
4.00 Just in Time
4.00 Let It Go
3.00 Pawpsicle