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Organized by Tofu Town
Standard format
Pokémon TCG Live

General Rules

  • Be respectful to your fellow competitors and staff.
  • Failing to check-in for a match will result in a round loss.
  • Queueing the wrong deck for any reason will result in a game loss.
  • All unreported matches when time is called will automatically be marked as a Tie regardless of the board state.
  • It is the player’s responsibility that their device and software are functioning properly. If a player is unable to finish a match due to a technical issue, that player will receive a game loss. Technical issues may include but are not limited to the following: Game Freezing, Internet Issues, Server Issues, Game Lag, Software Glitch, Device Crashing
  • All cards available within TCGL Standard Format are legal for play.
  • Streaming is allowed. It is recommended that a stream delay is used.
  • For any match issues, please call for a judge. It is recommended that you screenshot any relevant issues as well as the result of each match.

Swiss Stage

  • Matches are BO1
  • 30 minute rounds with a 5 minute check-in timer.

Top Cut

  • Matches are BO1
  • 40 minute rounds with a 5 minute check-in timer.

Number of Rounds
4-8 players = 3 Swiss Rounds and No Top Cut
9-12 players = 4 Swiss Rounds and Top 4 Cut
13-20 players = 5 Swiss Rounds and Top 4 Cut
21-32 players = 5 Swiss Rounds and Top 8 Cut
33-64 players = 6 Swiss Rounds and Top 8 Cut
65-128 players = 7 Swiss Rounds and Top 8 Cut
129-226 players = 8 Swiss Rounds and Top 8 Cut
227-799 players = 14 Swiss Rounds and Top 8 Cut
800+ players = 15 Swiss Rounds and Top 8 Cut


The tournament organizer reserves the right to change the round schedule.

Tournament Structure

Swiss Stage
5 Swiss Rounds - BO1
30 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
8 players advance to the next phase
Top Cut
3 Single Elimination Rounds - BO1
40 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0