1.00 Bidoof (CRZ-111)
1.00 Bibarel (BRS-121)
0.80 Roaring Moon ex (PAR-124)
0.80 Ralts (ASR-60)
0.80 Glimmet (PAL-124)
0.80 Glimmora (PAL-126)
0.60 Kirlia (SIT-68)
0.60 Luxray (PAL-71)
0.60 Manaphy (BRS-41)
0.60 Goldeen (MEW-118)
0.60 Seaking (MEW-119)
0.40 Morpeko (PAR-121)
0.40 Brute Bonnet (PAR-123)
0.40 Galarian Moltres (EVS-93)
0.40 Radiant Greninja (ASR-46)
0.40 Slowbro (PGO-20)
0.40 Jirachi (PAR-126)
0.40 Hisuian Basculin (ASR-43)
0.40 Hisuian Basculegion (LOR-45)
0.40 Finneon (LOR-40)
0.20 Squawkabilly ex (PAL-169)
0.20 Gallade (ASR-62)
0.20 Gardevoir (CRE-61)
0.20 Slowpoke (MEW-79)
0.20 Radiant Charizard (CRZ-20)
0.20 Cyclizar (SVI-164)
0.20 Snorunt (BRS-34)
0.20 Froslass ex (PAR-3)
0.20 Mewtwo V (PGO-30)
0.20 Mewtwo VSTAR (PGO-31)
0.20 Mew ex (MEW-151)
0.20 Mewtwo (MEW-150)
0.20 Ralts (SIT-67)
0.20 Iron Jugulis (PAR-158)
0.20 Radiant Hisuian Sneasler (LOR-123)
0.20 Galarian Zapdos V (CRE-80)
2.60 Battle VIP Pass
2.00 Boss's Orders
2.00 Ultra Ball
1.80 Nest Ball
1.60 Iono
1.40 Super Rod
1.20 Switch
1.00 Professor Sada's Vitality
1.00 Klara
1.00 Earthen Vessel
1.00 Escape Rope
0.80 Dark Patch
0.80 Hisuian Heavy Ball
0.80 Pal Pad
0.80 Ancient Booster Energy Capsule
0.80 Raihan
0.80 Level Ball
0.80 Superior Energy Retrieval
0.80 Irida
0.80 Professor's Research
0.80 Gutsy Pickaxe
0.60 Counter Catcher
0.60 Collapsed Stadium
0.60 Artazon
0.60 Avery
0.60 Path to the Peak
0.40 PokéStop
0.40 Arven
0.40 Cynthia's Ambition
0.40 Letter of Encouragement
0.40 Jacq
0.20 Thorton
0.20 Zinnia's Resolve
0.20 Lost Vacuum
0.20 Parasol Lady
0.20 Giovanni's Charisma
0.20 Tulip
0.20 Erika's Invitation
0.20 Colress's Experiment
0.20 Worker
0.20 Energy Recycler
0.20 Mirage Gate
0.20 Energy Retrieval
0.20 Capturing Aroma
0.20 Energy Sticker
0.20 Fog Crystal
0.20 Future Booster Energy Capsule
0.20 Leftovers
0.20 Leafy Camo Poncho
0.20 Candice
0.20 Rescue Carrier
0.20 Lake Acuity
3.40 Darkness Energy
3.20 Water Energy
1.80 Fighting Energy
1.20 Reversal Energy
0.60 Psychic Energy
0.40 Fire Energy
0.40 Double Turbo Energy
0.20 Jet Energy