1.33 Zubat (SIT-103)
1.33 Golbat (BST-90)
1.33 Alolan Rattata (PGO-41)
1.00 Alolan Raticate (PGO-42)
0.67 Crobat (SIT-105)
0.67 Manaphy (BRS-41)
0.67 Bidoof (CRZ-111)
0.67 Bibarel (BRS-121)
0.44 Radiant Greninja (ASR-46)
0.44 Doduo (MEW-84)
0.44 Dodrio (MEW-85)
0.44 Venonat (SIT-1)
0.44 Venomoth (MEW-49)
0.44 Sobble (CRE-41)
0.44 Inteleon (CRE-43)
0.44 Machamp (MEW-68)
0.44 Articuno (PGO-24)
0.44 Veluza (PAL-56)
0.33 Crobat (BST-91)
0.33 Frigibax (PAL-58)
0.33 Baxcalibur (PAL-60)
0.33 Machop (MEW-66)
0.22 Hawlucha (SVI-118)
0.22 Gengar (LOR-66)
0.22 Mew (CEL-11)
0.22 Makuhita (FST-142)
0.22 Hariyama (FST-143)
0.22 Purrloin (BRS-90)
0.22 Liepard (BRS-91)
0.22 Slaking (EVS-131)
0.22 Slakoth (EVS-129)
0.11 Kyogre (CRZ-36)
0.11 Wishiwashi (EVS-46)
0.11 Palkia (CEL-4)
0.11 Spiritomb (PAL-89)
0.11 Radiant Alakazam (SIT-59)
0.11 Machop (LOR-86)
0.11 Machoke (LOR-87)
0.11 Radiant Tsareena (SIT-16)
0.11 Pyukumuku (FST-77)
0.11 Radiant Venusaur (PGO-4)
0.11 Snover (CRE-9)
0.11 Abomasnow (CRE-10)
0.11 Galarian Zigzagoon (FST-159)
0.11 Galarian Obstagoon (FST-161)
3.00 Nest Ball
2.67 Iono
2.11 Level Ball
2.11 Trekking Shoes
1.67 Colress's Experiment
1.67 Super Rod
1.67 Ultra Ball
1.56 Rare Candy
1.44 Boss's Orders
1.00 Artazon
0.89 Irida
0.89 Battle VIP Pass
0.67 Dark Patch
0.67 Pokégear 3.0
0.56 Hisuian Heavy Ball
0.56 PokéStop
0.56 Judge
0.56 Energy Search
0.44 Canceling Cologne
0.44 Feather Ball
0.44 Cross Switcher
0.44 Escape Rope
0.44 Professor's Research
0.44 Damage Pump
0.44 Capturing Aroma
0.44 Arven
0.44 Peony
0.44 Switch Cart
0.44 Pokémon Catcher
0.44 Cram-o-matic
0.44 Worker
0.33 Gapejaw Bog
0.33 Crushing Hammer
0.22 Avery
0.22 Superior Energy Retrieval
0.22 Echoing Horn
0.22 Miss Fortune Sisters
0.22 Urn of Vitality
0.22 Switch
0.11 Rescue Carrier
0.11 Zinnia's Resolve
0.11 Raihan
0.11 Pal Pad
0.11 Exp. Share
0.11 Pokémon League Headquarters
0.11 Klara
0.11 Grant
0.11 Choice Belt
0.11 Rocky Helmet
0.11 Justified Gloves
0.11 Galarian Chestplate
0.11 Single Strike Scroll of Scorn
2.00 Water Energy
1.78 Reversal Energy
1.44 Double Turbo Energy
1.22 Darkness Energy
0.89 Psychic Energy
0.89 Grass Energy
0.67 Fighting Energy
0.44 Single Strike Energy
0.22 Lucky Energy