Luxury Lorcana Series #6
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Organized by Mario's Gaming World


Welcome to the Luxury Lorcana Series! These will be weekly tournaments THAT ARE FREE, and have PROXIES ALLOWED, so anyone can come and try the game FOR FREE! Winner will receive a free playmat, and the top 25% will earn Luxury points which can be redeemed later for cool stuff (more info to come)!

To signup, all you need to do is register here, and send me a physical picture of your deck before 7PM the day of to verify that the proxies are fine. Proxy sheets are everywhere! You also need a working webcam and access to my discord to play with your opponents using proxy cards:

Tournament structure that will be followed until we have official rules, or deem a change needs to be made:

  • Each round is 50 minutes best of 3.
  • If you go into time, you get an additional 5 minutes to finish your game.
  • At the end of the 5 minutes the current game is a draw, then depending on what game it is, it will either be a win for someone or a draw.

Other information:

If you are 5 minutes late to a round: Game Loss. If you are 10 minutes late to a round: Match Loss. Final round - Final table will not have a match timer. Each Voice Channel will have a table number. You and your opponent will join that channel when pairings are posted to communicate and play. If you need a judge to assist you type @judge and we will assist you. We will give time extensions if needed. When you come to the table, please confirm with your opponent that they are your opponent. Disconnections in most cases will be a Game Loss if you are disconnected during your match but will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. No spectating other tables allowed! Come watch the stream :)

Tournament Structure

3 Swiss Rounds - BO3
50 minutes per round
no round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1