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Organized by DragonRageVGC
Scarlet & Violet - Regulation D
Nintendo Switch

Pokémon VGC Regulation D Tour!


🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷

5 rounds swiss no formato bo3

** 5 minutos para fazer checkin antes de cada round


  • Caso haja disconnect, é NECESSÁRIO o envio da screenshot, caso não haja consenso entre os jogadores, a vitória da partida será dada a quem possui a screenshot (No caso de ambos possuírem e ter sido algum erro do servidor, o juiz decidirá com base na conversa entre os jogadores e apresentação dos fatos o que será feito para resolução do round)
  • Em caso de atraso para o checkin perde o jogo [2-0] (Salvo o adversário querer realizar a luta, então o placar será resetado e o round acontecerá normalmente)

Seja respeitoso com o adversário

Se houver disconnect, mande mensagem com a screenshot da tela Pinela#2059

Boa sorte e se divirta!

Siga-nos no twitter e fique por dentro de todos os nossos torneios


🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

5 Swiss Rounds of Bo3

** 5 minutes to do the check-in before round starts


  • In case of disconnect you MUST send the screenshot to prove it; If there is no agreement between both players, who sent the screenshot gets the win (Even so both players send screenshot and it happens some server error, the judge will decide based on the chat between both players and all the facts presented to solve the round score)
  • In case of delay to checkin, the player will lost the game by 2-0 (Except where the other player agree to make the battle, so the score will be reseted and the round goes normally)

Please be respectful

If you DC send me a screen shot in the discord!


Good Luck and Have Fun!

Follow us on twitter to stay up-to-date with all our tournaments

Tournament Structure

5 Swiss Rounds - BO3
50 minutes per round
10 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0