Underground webcam event
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Organized by The Underground
Standard format
Webcam & Discord


This will be a webcam event in discord you must have a webcam and a standard legal deck to play

This event will be CURRENT format NO PALDEA EVOLVED CARDS if you end up playing a card from paldea evolved it will be a game loss for that round and replace it with basic energy

If time is called you all get 3 additional turns to finish the game if neither player wins after that it will be a tie

This tournament will be Swiss rounds only no top cut and will be adjusted correctly for attendance

Bad sportsmanship is not tolerated if your opponent is being rude or you think they are plz let a to know immediately and I will help additionally if there are any judge calls needed request a judge on your limitless dashboard and a judge will get to you ASAP

Proxies are allowed just tell your opponent BEFORE the match starts what they are try and make them as clear as possible

Good luck to everyone tonight

Tournament Structure

Phase 1
3 Swiss Rounds - BO1
33 minutes per round
no round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1