Organized by Camsao's Digimon League | |
![]() | Standard format |
Welcome to the second event of the Camsao's Digimon League
A weekly webcam Digimon TCG tournament that will be held in the CDL Discord. All tournament will be free entry with a cash prize split between the top 4 finishers. Matches will be live streamed on my Twitch account (Camsao), so if you are unable to play but want to watch some competitive matches, follow the twitch channel and watch us live. Tournament will be a single elimination bracket tournament.
Prize Pool
$200 Between Top 4
1st : $100
2nd : $50
3rd/4th : $25
Camsao's Digimon League Rules
BT-12 Legal / No Proxies
Best-Of-Three Game Match
Single Elimination
50 Minute Round Timer
Extra Time : 5 Minutes for extra turns, then proceed to end of game process.
At the end of the 50 minute match timer, Players play an additional three turns, with the current (active) player’s turn becoming turn 0. The second player’s turn will be considered turn 1, followed by the first player’s turn 2, and then back to the second player for the third and final turn. The player with the most game wins is declared the winner of the match.
If neither player has won at the end of extra turns, the player with the most security cards remaining wins.
If players have the same amount of security, the player with more cards in their deck wins. Digi-Egg decks do not count
If players have the same number of cards remaining in their deck, the player with more Digimon (Digimon level and digivolution cards aren’t counted. Include tokens that count as Digimon) in their Battle Area wins.
If both players have the same number of Digimon in their Battle Area, the player who was last to draw from their Security Area wins.
Spectating Rules
Competitors that are still competing in the tournament are not allowed to spectate other matches unless it's the main stream or in a competitors live stream.
People not in the tournament can spectate matches BUT both players in the table must agree to being spectated.
Spectators must remain muted while spectating and must not interfere.
Streaming Rules
By entering the tournament, you agree to being showed on either the main stream or the stream of competing players
Players participating in the tournament are allowed to stream their tournament games.
Disconnect Rules
If your opponent disconnects, put all cards down immediately onto the playmat, and request for a judge in the #judge-request channel
1st Disconnect during tournament is a warning
2nd Disconnect during the tournament is a game loss
Deck List Submissions
Deck List are required for the CDL tournaments please go to OR to create your deck list and submit them to me through direct message inside the Discord.
If you're caught playing without having submitting a deck list, you will be given a match loss. Repeat offenders will be banned for a week. If you get top 4 without submitting a deck list, you will not receive prize support.
Top 4 Deck Lists will be revealed to the public, so you agree to this if you enter the tournament.