[EUIC PREP] Domji's Duisburg Brawl #1
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Organized by Domji
Scarlet & Violet - Regulation C
Nintendo Switch

Domji's Duisburg Brawl!


Tournament Details

  • Played on console, Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
  • Series 3 (Regulation C Ruleset) with OPEN TEAM SHEET
  • 6 Swiss rounds - Best of 3 Swiss and Top Cut (Tournament Structure subject to change due to the amount of participants)
  • UPTO 60 minutes per round, Rounds may finish early when all matches are finished, please monitor discord and turn notifications on in the #tournament-info Channel

Important Rules

  • Join the Domji's Duisburg Brawl Discord Server in order to receive updates.

  • Team sheet must be submitted prior to the start of the first (1) round. No exceptions.

    Pokemon, Ability, Held Item, Moves, and Tera types for all Pokemon is REQUIRED.

  • Screenshot wins just incase (proof)

  • No show rules: 5 minutes = G1 win, 10 minutes = G2 win

Check in

Match check-in time in 10 minutes after round starts; Failure to check in will result in a round loss; Two consecutive failures will result in an automatic drop; You must be checked in to play or you will be dropped.


In the event of a disconnect on turn one communicate with your opponent and restart the match with the same leads, etc. If it occurs midway through the game take a quick video with your phone or switch and request a judge. Whoever had the disconnect will take the loss. If you can’t connect to your opponent you have 2 options:

  • Request a tie
  • Play on showdown if your opponent consents

For issues, don't forget to click CALL A JUDGE during your match. For additional, questions or clarification, feel free to contact Domji or the mods in our Discord Server! - Discord & Twitter

It is highly recommended to join the Discord and follow me on Twitter! This is for updates, problem solving and communication before/while/after any tournament coming up.

Tournament Structure

Domji's Duisburg Brawl
4 Swiss Rounds - BO3
60 minutes per round
10 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0