Organized by Garnai Cup | |
E+ Regulation format | |
![]() | Pokémon TCG Online |
Welcome to Garnai gym battle!
ptcgo大会参加方法(the limitless site)
Please use "unlimited" when applying for a match! ️
Cards after the "E" expansion and Japanese standard regulations such as Nest Ball and Pokegear 3.0 can be used. Please confirm when registering.
There are prizes this time.
4戦全勝者でSilva Tempest 10パックを山分け
Divide 10 pack by 4winners
(Please register for Discord))
- . 試合が全て終わり次第次の試合を開始します。ご注意ください。
- The next match will start as soon as all matches are over. please note.
- この大会は参加費無料です.
- There is no entry fee for this tournament.
- リミットレストーナメントシステムに慣れる為の大会です。
- This is a tournament to get used to the limit rest tournament system.
- ベテランの方も練習の為にご参加下さい。
- Veterans are also welcome to join us for practice.
- The match is the 4round of random matches. The ranking remains on the system, but please enjoy it without worrying about it.
大会中なにかわからないことがあれば、対戦チャット内のjudgeボタンか、 Twitter @ GurnaiCupまでご連絡ください!
- If you have any questions during the tournament, you can use the judge button in the match chat or Please contact us on Twitter @ GurnaiCup
- If either of the opponents wants to use the timer during the match, prioritize using it
- [Caution] Please refrain from excessive use of pictograms and stamps during the match.
- Let's play with compassion and fun.
プレイするすべての試合にチェックインする必要があります。 チェックインしなかった場合、ジャッジに連絡しない限り、イベントからドロップされます。
- You must also check in to every match you play. If you fail to check in , you will be dropped from the event unless you contact a judge.
GarnaiCup Discord
- You must also check in to every match you play. If you fail to check in , you will be dropped from the event unless you contact a judge.
presented by
Discount code
Tournament Structure
4 Swiss Rounds - BO1
27 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0