1.00 Blacephalon (CEC-104)
0.80 Kirlia (SIT-68)
0.80 Gallade (ASR-62)
0.80 Mew (UNB-76)
0.60 Giratina (LOT-97)
0.60 Marshadow (SLG-45)
0.60 Wobbuffet (GEN-RC11)
0.60 Malamar (FLI-51)
0.60 Mimikyu (GRI-58)
0.40 Mismagius (SIT-64)
0.40 Ralts (SIT-67)
0.40 Shuppet (ROS-30)
0.40 Dreepy (FST-128)
0.40 Dragapult (RCL-91)
0.40 Munna (BCR-68)
0.40 Musharna (NXD-59)
0.40 Inkay (FLI-50)
0.20 Cosmog (TEU-69)
0.20 Cosmoem (UPR-61)
0.20 Lunala (CEL-15)
0.20 Elgyem (NVI-55)
0.20 Beheeyem (NVI-56)
0.20 Honedge (FLI-46)
0.20 Doublade (FLI-48)
0.20 Aegislash (BKP-62)
0.20 Misdreavus (CIN-39)
0.20 Meloetta (XYP-193)
0.20 Espurr (UNB-79)
0.20 Meowstic (SIT-82)
0.20 Banette (LOR-73)
0.20 Chimecho (CIN-43)
0.20 Comfey (LOR-79)
0.20 Mewtwo (UNB-75)
0.20 Mimikyu (CEC-96)
0.20 Sableye (LOR-70)
0.20 Gengar (LOR-66)
0.20 Drakloak (SIT-88)
0.20 Inkay (CRE-69)
0.20 Ralts (ASR-60)
0.20 Koffing (PLS-57)
0.20 Weezing (UNB-74)
0.20 Misdreavus (BKT-65)
0.20 Banette (ROS-32)
0.20 Zubat (PLS-53)
0.20 Golbat (GEN-31)
0.20 Crobat (PHF-33)
0.20 Tapu Lele (SMP-45)
0.20 Drakloak (RCL-90)
0.20 Ralts (CEC-80)
0.20 Skrelp (FLI-52)
0.20 Dragalge (CEC-92)
0.20 Necrozma (UNM-101)
1.00 Marnie
1.00 N
1.00 Mysterious Treasure
1.00 VS Seeker
1.00 Nest Ball
1.00 Quick Ball
1.00 Fog Crystal
1.00 Level Ball
1.00 Spell Tag
1.00 Dimension Valley
0.80 Tate & Liza
0.80 Colress
0.80 Professor's Research
0.80 Field Blower
0.80 Scoop Up Net
0.80 Ordinary Rod
0.80 Float Stone
0.80 Old Cemetery
0.60 Cynthia
0.60 Raihan
0.60 Evolution Incense
0.60 Evosoda
0.60 Ultra Ball
0.60 Rare Candy
0.60 Guzma
0.60 Hisuian Heavy Ball
0.60 Guzma & Hala
0.40 Lusamine
0.40 Klara
0.40 Rescue Carrier
0.40 Pal Pad
0.40 Teammates
0.40 Escape Rope
0.40 Rescue Stretcher
0.40 Switch
0.40 Gloria
0.40 Brigette
0.40 Boss's Orders
0.40 Ball Guy
0.40 Parallel City
0.40 Cynthia & Caitlin
0.20 Lysandre
0.20 Stadium Nav
0.20 Special Charge
0.20 Rocky Helmet
0.20 Frozen City
0.20 Hex Maniac
0.20 Colress's Experiment
0.20 Skyla
0.20 Energy Retrieval
0.20 Trainers' Mail
0.20 Professor's Letter
0.20 Echoing Horn
0.20 Battle Compressor
0.20 Counter Catcher
0.20 Lost Vacuum
0.20 Acro Bike
0.20 Target Whistle
0.20 Lost Blender
0.20 Trekking Shoes
0.20 U-Turn Board
0.20 Delinquent
0.20 Timer Ball
0.20 Super Rod
0.20 Max Elixir
0.20 Cynthia's Ambition
0.20 Erika's Hospitality
0.20 Pokémon Communication
0.20 Capturing Aroma
0.20 Fighting Fury Belt
0.20 Altar of the Moone
0.20 Peonia
0.20 Sonia
0.20 Koga's Trap
0.20 Air Balloon
0.20 Muscle Band
5.60 Psychic Energy
1.00 Horror Psychic Energy
0.80 Mystery Energy
0.60 Counter Energy
0.40 Twin Energy
0.20 Double Colorless Energy
0.20 Capture Energy
0.20 Weakness Guard Energy