4.00 Zoroark (EVS-103)
3.60 Zorua (EVS-102)
1.80 Minccino (BRS-124)
1.80 Cinccino (SSH-147)
1.00 Bidoof (BRS-120)
0.80 Flapple (EVS-120)
0.80 Appletun (EVS-121)
0.80 Mightyena (ASR-96)
0.80 Raichu (SIT-50)
0.80 Manaphy (BRS-41)
0.80 Slowbro (PGO-20)
0.80 Bibarel (BRS-121)
0.60 Braixen (SIT-26)
0.60 Hisuian Zoroark (LOR-76)
0.60 Miltank (ASR-126)
0.40 Kleavor (ASR-85)
0.40 Wormadam (BRS-77)
0.40 Hisuian Basculin (ASR-43)
0.40 Zorua (FST-170)
0.40 Magikarp (PGO-21)
0.40 Gyarados (PGO-22)
0.40 Radiant Jirachi (SIT-120)
0.20 Scyther (ASR-4)
0.20 Oranguru (SSH-148)
0.20 Radiant Charizard (PGO-11)
0.20 Golisopod (DAA-18)
3.00 Serena
3.00 Evolution Incense
2.60 Professor's Research
2.40 Ultra Ball
2.20 Level Ball
2.00 Ordinary Rod
1.40 Scoop Up Net
1.40 Quick Ball
1.00 Marnie
1.00 Boss's Orders
0.80 Rescue Carrier
0.80 Battle VIP Pass
0.80 Choice Belt
0.80 Cursed Shovel
0.80 Glimwood Tangle
0.60 Path to the Peak
0.60 Air Balloon
0.60 Yell Horn
0.40 Echoing Horn
0.40 Raihan
0.40 Miss Fortune Sisters
0.40 Jubilife Village
0.20 Roxanne
0.20 Pal Pad
0.20 Magma Basin
0.20 Shopping Center
0.20 Cynthia's Ambition
0.20 Bruno
0.20 Lost Vacuum
0.20 Galar Mine
3.40 Twin Energy
1.60 Double Turbo Energy
1.00 Water Energy
0.80 Capture Energy
0.60 Fire Energy
0.40 Gift Energy