1.00 Remoraid (BST-36)
1.00 Octillery (BKT-33)
1.00 Drizzile (SSH-56)
1.00 Inteleon (SSH-58)
0.83 Blastoise (PLB-16)
0.67 Sobble (CRE-41)
0.67 Hisuian Basculin (ASR-43)
0.67 Manaphy (BRS-41)
0.67 Frosmoth (SHF-30)
0.67 Starmie (EVO-31)
0.50 Alolan Vulpix (GRI-21)
0.50 Squirtle (BCR-29)
0.50 Wailmer (VIV-31)
0.50 Wailord (VIV-32)
0.33 Articuno (TEU-32)
0.33 Wartortle (PGO-16)
0.33 Lapras (TEU-31)
0.33 Wishiwashi (CEC-62)
0.33 Hisuian Basculegion (LOR-45)
0.33 Wartortle (UNB-34)
0.33 Staryu (BKP-25)
0.33 Snom (SHF-29)
0.17 Feebas (EVS-37)
0.17 Milotic (FLF-23)
0.17 Kyogre (SHF-21)
0.17 Snom (SSH-63)
0.17 Sobble (SSH-55)
0.17 Staryu (BRS-30)
0.17 Magikarp (CIN-17)
0.17 Gyarados (TEU-30)
0.17 Starmie (FST-53)
0.17 Kyogre (CEL-3)
0.17 Snom (FST-84)
0.17 Sobble (SSH-54)
0.17 Squirtle (PGO-15)
0.17 Staryu (FST-52)
0.17 Articuno (ROS-17)
0.17 Lapras (FST-54)
0.17 Wishiwashi (EVS-46)
0.17 Wartortle (BCR-30)
0.17 Horsea (LOR-35)
0.17 Seadra (LOR-36)
0.17 Kingdra (LOR-37)
0.17 Mudkip (CES-32)
0.17 Marshtomp (CES-34)
0.17 Swampert (CES-35)
0.17 Squirtle (UNB-33)
0.17 Staryu (HIF-13)
1.00 Guzma
1.00 Evolution Incense
1.00 Level Ball
1.00 Ultra Ball
1.00 VS Seeker
0.83 Tate & Liza
0.83 Colress
0.83 Hex Maniac
0.83 N
0.83 Irida
0.83 Rescue Stretcher
0.83 Professor's Letter
0.83 Nest Ball
0.83 Hisuian Heavy Ball
0.83 Dive Ball
0.83 Nessa
0.83 Rare Candy
0.67 Marnie
0.67 Brigette
0.67 Cynthia
0.67 Quick Ball
0.67 Scoop Up Net
0.67 Float Stone
0.67 Brooklet Hill
0.67 Evosoda
0.50 Ball Guy
0.50 Gloria
0.50 Teammates
0.50 Field Blower
0.50 Sonia
0.50 Capacious Bucket
0.50 Boss's Orders
0.33 Peonia
0.33 Raihan
0.33 Aqua Patch
0.33 Super Rod
0.33 Battle Compressor
0.33 Pokégear 3.0
0.33 Chaotic Swell
0.33 Rough Seas
0.33 Timer Ball
0.17 Lt. Surge's Strategy
0.17 Gladion
0.17 Revive
0.17 Escape Rope
0.17 Cape of Toughness
0.17 Fighting Fury Belt
0.17 Silent Lab
0.17 Lysandre
0.17 Professor Sycamore
0.17 Crasher Wake
0.17 Wally
0.17 Brock's Grit
0.17 Peony
0.17 Archie's Ace in the Hole
0.17 Pal Pad
0.17 Arezu
0.17 Professor's Research
0.17 Copycat
0.17 Energy Switch
0.17 Switch
0.17 Air Balloon
0.17 Champions Festival
0.17 Bruno
0.17 Cynthia & Caitlin
0.17 Professor Juniper
0.17 Lost City
9.50 Water Energy
0.83 Splash Energy
0.33 Lightning Energy
0.33 Metal Energy
0.17 Counter Energy
0.17 Blend Energy WLFM
0.17 Capture Energy
0.17 Wash Water Energy