Organized by Devastator Squad Gym | |
![]() | Standard format |
Devastator Squad Gym Weekly #4
Welcome to the tournament page for the Devastator Squad Gym Weekly! We highly encourage players to join the Discord and Twitch channel as the entire tournament is casted live on Twitch! Players will be chosen to be broadcasted as the feature match in the Limitless match chat!
Standard Format (SWSH - LOR)
Swiss Rounds BO1 matches with a 30 minutes time limit and 3 minutes of Check In per round
Top Cut BO3 matches with no time limit and 5 minutes Check In.
If your opponent is a no show at 5 minutes into the round, please call a judge, and we will issue a Match Loss
1st Place 25 Astral Radiance Packs
2nd Place 15 Astral Radiance Packs
3rd Place / 4th Place 5 Astral Radiance Packs
If you miss Check In under any circumstance, you will be awarded a Full Match Loss for your round.
This event has multiple Phases - Swiss Rounds BO1 and Top Cut BO3
When time is called during Swiss Rounds BO1 the game will be a Tie, unless otherwise stated by Staff
When time is called during Top Cut BO3 the winner will be decided by the amount of remaining Prize Cards + Games Won to determine the winner, unless otherwise stated by Staff
If time is called it is a Tie! If you believe your opponent is "Playing Slowly", please call a Judge as early as possible. The only acceptable forms of proof are: a video recording, a link to your Stream, streaming your game in the (Devastator Squad Discord Server - , your opponent admitting to "Playing Slowly."
If you select a wrong deck , please provide a screenshot with the following to staff: your hand and Active Pokémon flipped over. Call a Judge on Limitless , type in chat that you selected your wrong deck, and wait. If you have made any other actions in game - it will be an automatic Game Loss . If the right conditions are met, Staff will tell you to restart the game.
If you experience any of the following, but not limited to: Game Freezing, Internet Issues, Server Issues, Game Lag, Software Glitch, Device Crashing - it will be awarded as a Game Loss to the player experiencing the issue if the game is not repairable. Otherwise attempt to finish the game if possible.
If you call a judge to dispute a result, for example you Won, but it shows up as a Tie, please send screenshot proof or a link to your livestream to DazuTheDevastator#4759 on Discord. If you don't have proof within a reasonable amount of time, the staff won't be able to determine the proper measures to take. In BO1, any screenshot with gameplay more than 25 minutes will remain a Tie regardless of the outcome.
It is strongly recommended to have screenshot proof of any win or tie upon the conclusion of a game. If you leave a game without explicitly stating "time is over, this is a tie" or something similar, it could be perceived as a concession.
Players are allowed to stream their personal event experience on any streaming service and it is recommended to have a delay on your stream to avoid "stream sniping" or any other disadvantages. Any advantages gained by streaming, such as receiving assistance from your audience, can lead to penalties after staff investigates the situation.
Continuously accusing your opponent of anything can lead to penalties - PLEASE be kind to all your opponents.
All rulings made by Staff are final and will be made with the players, Staff, and event in mind. It is the players responsibility to Check In prior to each match - failure to do so will result in an automatic Game Loss. If your opponent wants to reset the match, they will need to be the one to call the Judge.
Issues and problems during your match will be handled by Tournament Staff - please use the Match Dispute button. Any issues brought up on Discord won't be guaranteed to be answered.
All participants are recommended to be in our Discord Server for updates on pairings, event announcements, etc.
Any player who is found breaking rules, using in game exploits, bullying, harassing, etc. will receive penalties.
Any player who is problematic outside of this event (before, during, and after) may not be eligible to play.
TO : DazuTheDevastator (DazuTheDevastor#4759)
Number of rounds, prizing, and number of phases are subject to change each week depending on number of players. Join up and help us grow!