3.00 Gloom (UNB-7)
2.50 Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor-GX (UNM-1)
2.00 Vileplume (AOR-3)
2.00 Dartrix (SHF-7)
2.00 Decidueye (SHF-8)
2.00 Oddish (CEC-2)
1.50 Oddish (BCR-1)
1.50 Vileplume (BUS-6)
1.00 Rowlet (SHF-6)
1.00 Rowlet (CEC-18)
0.50 Gloom (BCR-2)
0.50 Crobat V (SHF-44)
0.50 Mew (FCO-29)
0.50 Tapu Lele-GX (GRI-60)
0.50 Vileplume-GX (CEC-4)
0.50 Decidueye-GX (SUM-12)
0.50 Exeggcute (PLF-4)
0.50 Exeggutor (PLF-5)
2.50 Faba
2.00 Cynthia & Caitlin
2.00 Tag Call
1.50 Marnie
1.50 Mallow & Lana
1.50 Guzma
1.50 Quick Ball
1.50 Path to the Peak
1.00 Brigette
1.00 Avery
1.00 N
1.00 Pokémon Communication
1.00 Lusamine
1.00 Guzma & Hala
1.00 Silent Lab
0.50 Roxanne
0.50 Professor Sycamore
0.50 Brock's Grit
0.50 Nest Ball
0.50 Dowsing Machine
0.50 Life Forest Prism Star
0.50 Acerola
0.50 Sonia
0.50 AZ
0.50 Team Flare Grunt
0.50 Plumeria
0.50 Klara
0.50 Team Rocket's Handiwork
0.50 Computer Search
0.50 Stealthy Hood
4.00 Capture Energy
4.00 Grass Energy
1.00 Aromatic Grass Energy