The Eagle’s Nest BT-OLD Webcam Locals 9/6
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Organized by The Eagle's Nest
Standard format

Welcome to the Eagle's Nest Webcam Locals!!!


I would love to welcome everyone to The Eagle's Nest Webcam Locals. This will be in a retro format with the use of starter decks legal at the selected formats time. We will not allow the use of proxies. There WILL NOT BE MULLIGANS and NO SIDEDECKS allowed for this event. The Digimon TCG banlist from the formats time will be in effect for this event:

Restriction/Banlist -

Please make sure you are in the Eagle's Nest discord also as the event will be held there (and don't forget to agree to the rules before you can gain access to the server)!

Discord Link -


There will be sealed product given away to a top cut of players (based on attendance). A rough breakdown for prizing will be as follows and will be adjusted for the number of participants :) Also as a small note, for international players/winners, I will do my best to accommodate the prizing structure below.

8-11 participants: 1st Place gets a Booster Box
12-15 participants: 1st Place gets a Booster Box, 2nd gets 8 packs, 3rd gets 4 packs
16-19 participants: 1st Place gets a Booster Box, 2nd gets 12 packs, 3rd gets 8 packs, 4th gets 4 packs
20+ participants: TBD (atleast the same as above)

Cost: $8

To purchase your entry please Paypal your entry to this email via FF:


Please write in the note for the payment: "Tournament entry for Discord Name"


When: September 6th
Time: 6:15pm CST start time

Other Details

We will have a judge for the tourney at all times. To request any help from a judge, please use the @judge ping in the judge-request channel. Tables are also numbered 1-16 which will correspond with the voice channels in the Eagle's Nest Cord. We will play a minimum of 3 rounds for this tournament. Normally, an undefeated is the stopping point, but we will avoid one round tourneys by implementing this rule.

Tournament Structure

3 Swiss Rounds - BO3
55 minutes per round
no round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1