3.75 Volcarona V (EVS-21)
2.75 Zebstrika (LOT-82)
2.50 Blitzle (LOT-81)
1.75 Dedenne-GX (UNB-57)
1.75 Volcanion-EX (STS-26)
0.50 Ninetales (TEU-16)
0.50 Ditto Prism Star (LOT-154)
0.50 Mew (FCO-29)
0.25 Vulpix (SSH-22)
0.25 Blacephalon-GX (LOT-52)
0.25 Pyroar (FLF-20)
4.00 Fiery Flint
4.00 Battle Compressor
3.75 Quick Ball
3.50 Ultra Ball
2.75 Professor's Research
1.75 Float Stone
1.25 Guzma
1.00 Heat Factory Prism Star
1.00 Professor Sycamore
0.50 Scorched Earth
0.50 Computer Search
0.50 VS Seeker
0.50 Cape of Toughness
0.25 Rescue Stretcher
0.25 Marnie
0.25 Welder
0.25 Boss's Orders
0.25 Field Blower
0.25 Fan of Waves
0.25 Echoing Horn
0.25 Giant Hearth
0.25 Dowsing Machine
17.25 Fire Energy
0.50 Lightning Energy
0.25 Prism Energy