Organized by StealthShampoo | |
![]() | Standard format |
StealthShampoo Sunday Online #1
- Start time: 1:30pm PDT -- Registration ends 5 minutes prior. Round check-in is on, remember to check-in before EVERY ROUND, failure to do so may result in a game loss! Check-in opens 5 minutes before the first round.
- Registration: Registration is for players from California, United States only! Please see the Discord for the registration code. Players who are not recognized by the TO and do not verify their Californian residency may be dropped. TO reserves the right to invite players at their discretion, including but not limited to; out-of-state visitors, temporary residences, players who have supported local events but moved away, ect.
- Card Legality: SSH-FST. Only SSH Black Star Promos allowed. Promos are legal 2 weeks after their US release!
- Decklists: Decklists will be public, and decklist submission is required. Decklist submission closes 5 minutes before the first round.
- Swiss round details: Swiss, best of 1, 25 minute rounds. Round timer in PTCGO must be on! Check-in time is 5 minutes, and is included in the overall round timer. In Swiss, wins are worth 3 points, ties are worth 1. A tie will be awarded in the event of a Swiss match timeout. Players are highly encouraged to stream/record these matches or provide screenshots to verify match results.
- Top cut details: 50 minutes BO3 round top cut. Round timer in PTCGO must be on! Check-in time is 5 minutes, and is included in the overall round timer. The loser of game 1 may opt to go 1st or 2nd in game 2, and the loser of game 2 may opt to go 1st or 2nd in game 3. In a top cut round timeout, the player ahead on games will win the match. If the players are tied in a top cut round, the player who has the least number of prizes remaining when the timer hits 0 will be declared the winner. In the event players are tied on prizes and game wins, the match will continue until a prize is taken, and the round will conclude if one player has less prizes than the other, with that player being declared the winner. Players are highly encouraged to stream/record these matches or provide screenshots to verify match results. Failure to provide timely results and communicate with staff may result in a double game loss for both players.
- Entry fee and prizing: There is no entry fee, this event is FREE! Prizing will be provided in the form of code cards, scaling based on the number of players entered.
- Livestreams and media: Top cut will be livestreamed. Top cut players are highly encouraged to stream their games in a designated Discord stream channel! The livestream will be delayed by a minimum of 60 seconds to prevent stream sniping.
- Judge calls: IF YOU NEED HELP MID-TOURNAMENT, PLEASE CALL A JUDGE ON LIMITLESS! Please adhere to the spirit of the game and keep the tournament environment, Limitless and Discord communications, and PTCGO chats clean, friendly, and welcoming. Judges will use the *official rules and resources, *Compendium and *PTCGO known issues to make calls regarding rulings and player conduct. Behaviors such as purposeful slowplay, harassment, cheating, changing your decks mid-event, and stream sniping will result in penalty. Penalties include warnings, game/round losses, removal from the event without refund, and/or expulsion from all future StealthShampoo events.
Tournament Structure
Phase 1
3 Swiss Rounds - BO1
25 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1