Federico Paolantonio
Red Jesmon
12 points (4-3-0)
Round | Opponent | Opp. Score | ||
TOP 8 | ||||
T8 | LOSS | Agustín Bausilio | Blue Gabumon Bond of Friendship | 6-2-0 |
6 | WIN | Nicolás Risso | Blue Gabumon Bond of Friendship | 3-3-0 |
5 | LOSS | Lautaro Capece | Purple Lilithmon Loop | 7-1-1 |
4 | WIN | Leonel Lopresti | Eosmon | 3-3-0 |
3 | WIN | Renato Marchi | Other | 3-3-0 |
2 | LOSS | Agustín Bausilio | Blue Gabumon Bond of Friendship | 6-2-0 |
1 | WIN | Sebastian Gonzalez | Yellow Mastemon | 6-2-1 |