The Shuffle Squad's Melé tournament
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Organized by The Shuffle Squad
Thursday, November 4, 2021
11:05 PM UTC
Custom format

Melé format

Welcome to the 1st "Melé" or Unlimited Tournament!

This tournament is the creation of TSS and FREE TO ENTER!

there are No Card Bans as this is basically a final send-off to ptcgo.

Please make sure to read all information before registering.


  • The Tournaments will take place Thursday November 4th 2021
  • START at 7:05pm EDT
  • REGISTRATION ENDS at 7:00pm EDT. This includes registering fully on Limitless and submission of your decklist.
  • All "unlimited format" cards are legal...yes every card.
  • Swiss Rounds + Top Cut according to 16 players.
  • Schedule may very up until the Tournament start based on registered players, so please either pay attention to our discord or this site.


    To Be Determined

  • To claim your codes please check your limitless account under history >rewards.


    • Deck list must be submitted before the start of the tournament or you WILL BE AUTO-DROPPED.
    • Your deck list must exactly match the deck list played in PTCGO in your match. Any issues with this please request a judge in limitless and get a screenshot of the reported issue.
    • Playing the wrong deck will be subject to a game loss based on judge call.
    • Deck Lists will be open and visible by all.


    • The PTCGO "Timer" must be enabled for the match and the “Unlimited” format must be selected.
    • If any PTCGO glitch or bug is used to a players advantage during a game, that player will receive a game-loss. We will use in-game data and player screenshots to resolve disputes.
    • Upon registration, you agree with the following: ALL FIELDS required by Limitless must be filled completely and accurately, if you don't do it you will NOT be paired.
    • TO CONTACT STAFF DURING the tournament use the call a judge button in the middle of your pairing screen. To contact them BEFORE or AFTER the tournament @moderator in the Discord Server.
    • Check-in for the tournament is off, however PLEASE check-in to each round of the tournament.
    • You must CHECK-IN at the beginning of every match or you will be awarded a loss. If you dont check in, and your opponent does not, a judge will determine the match's outcome
    • If you have any problems please use the Call a Judge button on Limitless to notify us of the issue.
    • If you are able to stream PTCGO through Discord we ask that you go into the STREAM CHANNELS during the tournament. If you're asked to share your screen/PTCGO.
    • You will abide by the SPIRIT OF THE GAME and understand that we are all here to have a good time.
    • Check-in starts 1 hour before the tournament begins! PLEASE check-in, if not you will be automatically dropped from the tournament.

    Tournament Structure

    4 Swiss Rounds - BO1
    30 minutes per round
    4 minute round check-in
    4 players advance to the next phase
    Top cut
    Single Elimination Bracket - BO3
    untimed matches
    no match check-in
    Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1