Organized by The Shuffle Squad | |
![]() | Standard format |

Welcome to the first ever Standard Masterball Tournament!
This tournament will be played in the new Standard format (SSH-EVS) and will be FREE TO ENTER!
Please make sure to read all information before registering.
- The Tournaments will take place Thursday September 16th 2021
- START at 7:00pm EDT
- REGISTRATION ENDS at 6:59pm EDT. This includes registering fully on Limitless and submission of your decklist.
- Standard Format from Sword and Shield Base on (SSH - EVS)
- Swiss Rounds + Top Cut according to # of players.
- 1st : 100 EVS packs
- 2nd: 70 EVS packs
- 3rd: 60 EVS packs
- 4th: 30 EVS packs
- Top 5-8: 10 EVS packs
- Top 9-16: 6 EVS packs
To claim your prizes make sure you are a member of our Discord and we will send them as a DM. If you are unable to use Discord add “theshufflesquad” on ptcgo and the pack will be given out within 30 hours of the tournament ending.
You may only use one deck without any variation throughout the whole tournament.
Your deck list must be imported from Pokemon TCG Online in text and published on your Limitless player information.
Choosing a wrong deck to play will be sanctioned as a game loss, so please BE CAREFUL unless it is on accident and is fixed at the beginning of the round (like choosing a theme deck you have to show your opponent that it is the incorrect deck).
All decklists will be visible at all times on the Limitless platform. if you spot something off please screenshot and report it.
- Players who place in any Masterball Series #2 Tournament will earn points towards the first ever Masterball Invitational
- Prizing for the Invitational will be 1000+ codes in the latest Standard legal set
- To see your ranking as well as all the lastest information on the invitational go to Masterball Invitational!
- The PTCGO "Timer" must be enabled for the match and the “Standard” format must be selected.
- If any PTCGO glitch or bug is used to a players advantage during a game, that player will receive a game-loss. We will use in-game data and player screenshots to resolve disputes.
- Upon registration, you agree with the following: ALL FIELDS required by Limitless must be filled completely and accurately, if you don't do it you will NOT be paired.
- TO CONTACT STAFF DURING the tournament use the call a judge button in the middle of your pairing screen. To contact them BEFORE or AFTER the tournament @moderator in the Discord Server.
- Check-in starts 1 hour before the tournament begins! PLEASE check-in, if not you will be automatically dropped from the tournament.
- You also must CHECK-IN at the beginning of every match or you will be awarded a loss. If you dont check in, your opponent and a judge will determine the match's outcome
- If you have any problems please use the Call a Judge button on Limitless to notify us of the issue.
- If you are able to stream PTCGO through Discord we ask that you go into the STREAM CHANNELS during the tournament. If you're asked to share your screen/PTCGO.
- You will abide by the SPIRIT OF THE GAME and understand that we are all here to have a good time.
- Check-in starts 1 hour before the tournament begins! PLEASE check-in, if not you will be automatically dropped from the tournament.