HS-Block / HS-CL Webcam Tournament (72h rounds)
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Organized by Brett Stratton
HeartGold & SoulSilver Series format

What is HS-Block?

HS-Block is a format comprising of all HeartGold & SoulSilver set (similar to RS-PK or DP Block). Block formats are a fun alternative way to play retro formats because all the cards and mechanics available were designed to interact with each other. The below sets are included in the HS-Block:

  • HeartGold & SoulSilver
  • Unleashed
  • Undaunted
  • Triumphant
  • Call of Legends
  • HeartGold & SoulSilver Promos
  • HS Trainer Kits Raichu & Gyarados

Tournament Format

  • We will play over webcam with 72 hour rounds, so you can pick a time that works best for you and your opponent.
  • Matches are best of 3.
  • No time limit will be enforced, but you're welcome to agree to one with your opponent for your match.
  • There are no ties.
  • There will be a top cut if we have nine or more players.

Proxies and Decklists

Proxies are allowed for this tournament. Try to use high quality proxies, such as printouts of the cards from pkmncards.com, if possible. We want to make sure it's clear to your opponent what cards you are playing down.

We are collecting decklists but this will be a closed list event. Our main goal is to have a record of lists played to help the format develop.

First Turn Rules

The player that wins the coin flip must go first. The player that goes first cannot play any trainers, supporters, or stadium cards. In other words, they can bench more Pokémon, attach an energy, and attack. The player that goes second has no restrictions.


We have a discord server for the HS format that we ask you join as that's where we will communicate tournament announcements. Follow notifications for the tournament channel to receive notifications.

New to the format?

If you're interested in trying the format but have no experience, we'd still love for you to play! Our decklists channel in the Discord server will have a lot of different ideas that you're welcome to netdeck, and our community will be more than happy to give you advice on deckbuilding. This format offers a lot of strong Stage 2 Pokémon battling it out with each other, Yanmega Prime providing interactive gameplay, and Pokémon LEGENDs bringing exciting deck lists.

Jason Klaczynski's retro blog also has an introduction to the format if you'd like to read up on it! Link: https://jklaczpokemon.wordpress.com/hs/


  • Rare Candy has not received an errata. You may play it on your first turn and the turn a Pokémon has come into play, including to evolve a basic into a stage 1. Remember you cannot play Rare Candy on your first turn if the game if you go first.
  • Contact staff if a ruling is needed or if there are any concerns with your match. We want this to be a fun tournament so we'll try to resolve anything as amicably as possible.
  • If for some reason you and your opponent cannot play within the 72 hour deadline, reach out to us over Discord and we'll try to issue an extension if reasonable.
  • No time limits are enforced but you're welcome to agree to a time limit for your match if you need to fit into a time constraint.

Tournament Structure

Swiss Rounds (# pending player count)
3 Swiss Rounds - BO3
4320 minutes per round
15000 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0