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Organized by PTCGO Lounge
Standard format

Welcome to the first-ever PTCGO Lounge. Come chill and play some games with us. These are little events that just allow people to find players who are more competitive and just play some games with each other. The best part about this is that it is completely free to enter and although you don't get anything from winning these events, there may be future events where only certain players are going to be invited to play in a big double-elimination tournament, so these matches while are just matches, there is also going to be incentive to place as high as possible so be on the lookout.

This will be a round-robin event, so everyone will walk out with hopefully plenty of matches. I want to make this tournament as easy to access and stress-free as possible so there will be no tournament check-in and no match check-in. Just play your match and record the winner. If any player doesn't show within 10 minutes of the start of each round then they will automatically lose the round, just let us know that your opponent didn't respond within 10 minutes.

Rounds are about 40 minutes long so you will have plenty of time to complete the match. The event is Standard format so all subsequent bans are included as well.

Tournament Structure

Round Robin
Round Robin (all-play-all) - BO1
40 minutes per round
no round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1