P3 Cube Series #7 | Grover Cube
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9 wins (52.94%) - 8 losses - 0 ties
Pokémon (19.44)

0.67 Naganadel (LOT-108)

0.50 Magcargo (DX-20)

0.50 Cinccino (SSH-147)

0.50 Chespin (KSS-3)

0.50 Chesnaught (XY-14)

0.50 Shaymin (LOT-33)

0.50 Poipole (LOT-107)

0.50 Gigalith (SUM-71)

0.33 Swampert (CES-35)

0.33 Swampert (PRC-36)

0.33 Cleffa (CL-24)

0.33 Chatot (MD-55)

0.33 Salazzle (UPR-26)

0.33 Quilladin (KSS-4)

0.33 Chesnaught (BKT-11)

0.33 Shaymin LV.X (PL-126)

0.33 Ditto (RG-4)

0.33 Kricketot (BKP-5)

0.33 Celebi (TM-92)

0.33 Deino (LTR-97)

0.33 Lapras (LM-8)

0.33 Quilladin (BKT-10)

0.33 Chesnaught BREAK (BKT-12)

0.33 Roggenrola (SUM-69)

0.33 Roggenrola (DRX-65)

0.33 Skitty (PL-93)

0.33 Delcatty (RS-5)

0.33 Regirock (LA-38)

0.17 Mudkip (CES-32)

0.17 Mudkip (PRC-33)

0.17 Mudkip (GE-80)

0.17 Mudkip (DR-65)

0.17 Mudkip (NP-18)

0.17 Marshtomp (CES-34)

0.17 Marshtomp (GE-46)

0.17 Marshtomp (CG-24)

0.17 Marshtomp (SV-67)

0.17 Marshtomp (P3-15)

0.17 Swampert (GE-9)

0.17 Poipole (UNM-102)

0.17 Sableye (SF-48)

0.17 Salandit (UNB-30)

0.17 Salandit (GRI-15)

0.17 Salandit (UPR-25)

0.17 Salandit (DRM-13)

0.17 Salazzle (GRI-16)

0.17 Slugma (UD-67)

0.17 Slugma (DX-75)

0.17 Minccino (LTR-104)

0.17 Flareon Star (PK-100)

0.17 Plusle (SW-36)

0.17 Holon's Castform (HP-44)

0.17 Chespin (BKT-7)

0.17 Chespin (BKT-9)

0.17 Chespin (XYP-XY88)

0.17 Quilladin (XY-13)

0.17 Minccino (BWP-BW13)

0.17 Deino (PLF-75)

0.17 Deino (STS-84)

0.17 Zweilous (DRX-96)

0.17 Zweilous (STS-85)

0.17 Hydreigon BREAK (STS-87)

0.17 Skitty (RS-70)

0.17 Delcatty (PK-8)

0.17 Uxie (LA-43)

0.17 Hydreigon (LTR-99)

0.17 Hydreigon (DRM-33)

0.17 Hydreigon (DAA-110)

0.17 Hydreigon (PHF-74)

0.17 Chespin (XY-12)

0.17 Shaymin (UL-8)

0.17 Kricketune (CEC-14)

0.17 Minccino (LTR-RC18)

0.17 Slugma (UF-73)

0.17 Exeggcute (PLF-4)

0.17 Roggenrola (PHF-48)

0.17 Boldore (DRX-66)

0.17 Boldore (EPO-52)

0.17 Skitty (RS-44)

Trainer (28.61)

1.00 Rare Candy

0.83 Cynthia

0.83 Professor Oak's New Theory

0.83 Ultra Ball

0.83 Level Ball

0.67 Colress

0.67 N

0.67 Rescue Stretcher

0.50 Peonia

0.50 Rocket's Admin.

0.50 Evosoda

0.50 Ordinary Rod

0.50 Pokémon Communication

0.50 VS Seeker

0.50 Nest Ball

0.50 Buff Padding

0.50 Evolution Incense

0.50 Quick Ball

0.50 Super Rod

0.33 Cynthia & Caitlin

0.33 Professor Kukui

0.33 Professor's Research

0.33 Aqua Patch

0.33 Dive Ball

0.33 Professor Elm

0.33 Switch

0.33 Float Stone

0.33 Judge

0.33 Klara

0.33 Tate & Liza

0.33 Steven's Advice

0.33 Escape Rope

0.33 Net Ball

0.33 Field Blower

0.33 Junk Arm

0.33 Expert Belt

0.33 Rosa

0.33 Mysterious Treasure

0.33 Heavy Ball

0.33 Turffield Stadium

0.33 Professor Juniper

0.17 AZ

0.17 Nessa

0.17 Roseanne's Research

0.17 Tool Scrapper

0.17 Rough Seas

0.17 Welder

0.17 Holon Farmer

0.17 Devolution Spray

0.17 Hypnotoxic Laser

0.17 Lillie's Poké Doll

0.17 Night Maintenance

0.17 Pokémon Retriever

0.17 Surprise! Time Machine

0.17 Escape Board

0.17 Altar of the Sunne

0.17 Heat Factory Prism Star

0.17 Virbank City Gym

0.17 Giovanni's Scheme

0.17 Olympia

0.17 Looker's Investigation

0.17 Computer Search

0.17 Great Ball

0.17 Repeat Ball

0.17 Double Gust

0.17 Dual Ball

0.17 Life Forest Prism Star

0.17 Brock's Grit

0.17 Faba

0.17 Gladion

0.17 Seeker

0.17 Oracle

0.17 Steven's Advice

0.17 Erika

0.17 Rescue Scarf

0.17 Devoured Field

0.17 Viridian Forest

0.17 Bird Keeper

0.17 Guzma & Hala

0.17 Lt. Surge's Strategy

0.17 Lusamine

0.17 Roxie

0.17 Counter Catcher

0.17 Dowsing Machine

0.17 Superior Energy Retrieval

0.17 Dual Ball

0.17 Exp. Share

0.17 Erika's Hospitality

0.17 Iris

0.17 Cynthia's Feelings

0.17 Hyper Potion

0.17 Master Ball

0.17 Professor's Letter

0.17 Luxury Ball

0.17 Misty's Wrath

0.17 Brooklet Hill

0.17 Stark Mountain