P3 Cube Series #6
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Organized by Cube League
Custom format

P3 Cube Series #6

100% Free Pokémon Cube Tournament

What is Cube?

Cube is a format where you draft cards from a custom card pool, known as a cube, and build decks out of them to battle them out against other players. It tests not only your Pokémon skills but also how well you can think on the fly! You also get to flex your creativity skills and build decks that are completely unique to your play style. If you are looking to experience the Pokémon TCG in an exciting new way, consider giving cube a shot!

This week's cube: Ultra Beast Cube

Cube list: https://cubekoga.net/Cube/ubcube

How To Register

In order to be considered register for the P3 Series you must have completed the following:

  1. Go to the cube discord and use the emoji react on the registration post under #cube-weekend-registration
  2. Click "register now" on the limitless event page (The one you are currently viewing) and use the code found in the discord

You MUST register in Discord & Limitless to participate in this tournament.

Please note that registration will close 5 minutes before the starting time

Players will not be added to the registered roster without completing both of these steps.

Players who have not registered in the discord by announcements at 3pm CDT will be dropped unless communicated otherwise.

You can join the discord at https://discord.gg/fAT5j7ChD4

Information about the event and starting times will be posted in #cube-weekend-discussion

Registered & Waitlisted

Registration is on a First Come, First Serve basis. Drafting pods will fire in pods of 6 & 8 (Occasionally 7 depending on the cube). Therefore the first 6-8 registered participants are guaranteed to play in the event. The 9th and so forth registrants are considered Waitlisted until Xth person is registered to complete the next pod. This process will repeat for subsequent pods.


Waitlisted participants are registered for the event but will be dropped from the event if there are not enough people to fire ‘X’ pod. Drops will be based on the latest registered time from the Limitless Page. Conversely, if a registered player drops then the Waitlisted registrant with the earliest log time in Limitless will take their place.

Once there are enough people to fire the next pod, all waitlisted players will be updated from Waitlisted to Registered. In the event that a player drops and there are not enough participants to fire a pod, X, representing the amount of overflow participants, will be relegated to Waitlisted based on the latest registered time on Limitless.

Players may opt to waitlist themselves preemptively, but to do so must be clearly communicated with event staff. Registered Players who have dropped from the event that wish to rejoin will not retain their original registered time, meaning they will be added to the bottom of the registered/waitlisted list.

No-Show Penalty

Players that are registered for the P3 Series and do not show up to the event without communication prior will be dropped and marked as a “No-Show”. Similarly, if a player drops from the event after registration has closed (that being 5 minutes prior to the event starting time) without any form of communication before, during, or after the event will also be given a No-Show penalty.

Players marked as No Show will be auto-waitlisted for the next event after the penalty is given. They are still eligible to participate but will be waitlisted regardless of their registration time. This means in the event a 9th person shows up to the draft, the player with a No-Show penalty would be relegated to the waitlist.

No-Show Penalties are not permanent and only last for 1 consecutive event unless stated. The penalty is removed after the event. A No-Show Penalty can be retroactively reversed at the organizer’s discretion. A No-Show Penalty does not affect any in tournament procedures (Standings, record, prizing, ect.).

Please make sure you have open dms on discord or add Grover#4118.

Tournament Structure

  • 3:00pm CDT: Draft begins (Lasting ~90-120 minutes)

  • 5:30pm - 6:00pm CDT: Time to build decks

  • 6:00pm CDT: Round 1 begins

Times are tentative. Round 1 will begin 30 minutes after the draft is completed. Announcement for round times will be made in the discord

# of rounds is based on tournament participants

6 - 8 participants- 3 rounds + Prizing out to top 4


  • 1st place: 5 Battle Styles Codes
  • 2nd place: 3 Battle Styles Codes
  • 3rd place: 1 Battle Styles Code
  • 4th place: 1 Battle Style Code

12 participants - 4 rounds + Prizing out to top 6


  • 1st place: 8 Battle Styles Codes
  • 2nd place: 6 Battle Styles Codes
  • 3rd place: 2 Battle Styles Codes
  • 4th place: 2 Battle Style Codes
  • 5th place: 1 Battle Style Code
  • 6th place: 1 Battle Style Code

16+ participants - 5 rounds + Prizing out to top 8


  • 1st place: 10 Battle Styles Codes
  • 2nd place: 8 Battle Styles Codes
  • 3rd place: 4 Battle Styles Codes
  • 4th place: 4 Battle Style Codes
  • 5th place: 2 Battle Style Codes
  • 6th place: 2 Battle Style Codes
  • 7th place: 1 Battle Style Code
  • 8th place:1 Battle Style Code

How do I play in a cube tournament?

All you need to play is a discord and untap.in account (all 100% free!)


The online cubes are set up in a special google sheets document that has been built for drafting. All you have to do is find an open tab and start drafting!

An example how this works can be found HERE

Each cube that we will be using for the P3 Cube Series will have its own google sheets document that will sent out right before the tournament in the cube discord. A discord admin, or designated player, will run the draft and be able to assist you if you encounter any problems.


Once the draft is complete, players will have 30 minutes to build their decks.

Players will use Cube Koga to build their decks out of the cards in their draft pool.

Basic energy is provided and is not apart of the draft pool. This means you can add as much, or as little, basic energy to your deck.

Tutorials on how to use Cube Koga can be found HERE

Once your deck is built in Cube Koga, you can export your list by clicking the export button and pasting your list into untap.in using the Paste Deck feature in Untap.


All games will take place over untap.in, a 100% free website to play custom Pokémon games on. Discord admins will be available to help you with registering and setting up your deck.

Pairings and match reporting will take place on Limitless. Players are expected to check in within the first 5 minutes of pairings being announced to avoid penalties.

All games, unless otherwise stated, will be untimed & best of 1

Some games will be designated as "Stream Games" which will be featured on the P3 Twitch Channel.

After the final rounds, standings will be posted and the top 4 recipients will receive their prizing via discord PM.

Tournament Structure

4 Swiss Rounds - BO1
untimed rounds
no round check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0