1.00 Swablu (CPA-48)
1.00 Altaria (CPA-49)
1.00 Litleo (LOT-50)
1.00 Pyroar (FLF-20)
1.00 Bunnelby (PRC-121)
1.00 Ditto Prism Star (LOT-154)
1.00 Snorlax (PLS-101)
1.00 Hoopa (SLG-55)
1.00 Sableye (GRI-80)
1.00 Electrike (PRC-60)
1.00 Durant (FLF-61)
1.00 Zacian V (SSH-138)
1.00 Girafarig (LOT-94)
1.00 Wobbuffet (GEN-RC11)
4.00 Steven's Resolve
4.00 Teammates
4.00 Lillie's Poké Doll
4.00 VS Seeker
2.00 Lusamine
1.00 Peonia
1.00 Gladion
1.00 AZ
1.00 Ninja Boy
1.00 Team Rocket's Handiwork
1.00 Plumeria
1.00 Team Flare Grunt
1.00 Faba
1.00 Guzma
1.00 Rescue Stretcher
1.00 Max Potion
1.00 Robo Substitute
1.00 Nest Ball
1.00 Field Blower
1.00 Counter Catcher
1.00 Switch
1.00 Dowsing Machine
1.00 Target Whistle
1.00 Chaotic Swell
1.00 Wondrous Labyrinth Prism Star
1.00 Parallel City
1.00 Path to the Peak
4.00 Capture Energy
1.00 Fire Energy
1.00 Darkness Energy