4.00 Hoppip (LOT-12)
4.00 Skiploom (LOT-13)
4.00 Jumpluff (LOT-14)
4.00 Trumbeak (LOT-165)
4.00 Cottonee (CEC-147)
4.00 Natu (LOT-87)
2.00 Oranguru (SUM-113)
1.00 Mew (UNB-76)
4.00 Cynthia
4.00 Great Ball
4.00 Level Ball
3.00 Pokémon Communication
3.00 Scoop Up Net
3.00 Lost Blender
3.00 Path to the Peak
1.00 Guzma
1.00 Ordinary Rod
1.00 Dowsing Machine
4.00 Double Colorless Energy
2.00 Grass Energy