4.00 Beldum (GRI-83)
4.00 Metagross-GX (GRI-85)
2.00 Metang (GRI-84)
2.00 Oranguru (SUM-113)
2.00 Tapu Lele-GX (GRI-60)
1.00 Dhelmise (GRI-59)
1.00 Mimikyu (GRI-58)
1.00 Alolan Vulpix (GRI-21)
4.00 N
4.00 Rare Candy
4.00 Ultra Ball
3.00 Guzma
3.00 Professor Sycamore
3.00 Nest Ball
2.00 Lillie
2.00 Field Blower
2.00 Max Potion
2.00 Choice Band
2.00 Altar of the Sunne
1.00 Rescue Stretcher
1.00 Float Stone
8.00 Metal Energy
2.00 Psychic Energy