Organized by Unown TCG | |
Custom format Suspended Cards | |
Welcome the the 3rd unown tcg tournament....... standard with only 1 prize pokemon!
- In this format, you can use ANY cards from the standard sets (battle styles - team up) that does not give up 2 or 3 prizes.
- ALL standard banns apply!
- You can use any trainers or energies from the standard as as well.
- Kyogre AR
There will be an entry fee today!
- Send 1 pack of VIV (10 cards) to Swablu13579 on PTCGO, or DM a code to Swablu2#0468 on discord [You will be dropped if you don't :( ]
- ALL entry-fee packs will go back into prizing!
Tournament Structure
1-prizer rounds
3 Swiss Rounds - BO1
25 minutes per round
7 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0