JustInBasil JIBX #1 - Pauper
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Organized by JustInBasil TCG
Custom format

Grown weary of Standard format? Just need a break from it? The JustInBasil JIBX alternate format tournament series is here for you! Up first is the incredibly fun Pauper format!

Format Description

In the Pauper format, all cards that have an English-language printing with a common or uncommon rarity from Black & White base set and newer are legal, provided they do not appear on the ban list below. This means, for example, that Professor Sycamore STS 114—a full art version of the card—is legal in the format because Professor Sycamore XY 122 is an uncommon. However, Professor’s Research SSH 178 is not legal because there is no print of the card that has a common or uncommon rarity. Similarly, Boss's Orders SHF 58 is not legal because there is no print of Boss's Orders with a common or uncommon rarity.

The following cards (and any alternate printings) are banned in the Pauper format:

  • Bunnelby PRC 121
  • Chip-Chip Ice Axe UNB 165
  • Cryogonal UNM 46
  • Delinquent BKP 98
  • Flabébé FLI 83
  • Forest of Giant Plants AOR 74
  • Hex Maniac AOR 75
  • Lt. Surge's Strategy UNB 178
  • Lysandre's Trump Card PHF 99
  • Oranguru UPR 114
  • Puzzle of Time BKP 109
  • Red Card XY 124
  • Reset Stamp UNM 206
  • Sableye DEX 62
  • Shinx UPR 45

No promo cards without common or uncommon prints in a set from Black & White base set or newer are legal, with one exception: Karen XY177, which is legal in the Pauper format.

Entry Requirements

To enter the tournament, you'll need to message JustInBasil#1681 on Discord with an unused, valid 10-card Vivid Voltage code. If you don't provide a valid code prior to the start of the tournament, you will be dropped. You will also need to be on the JustInBasil Discord Server to make communication between participants and the tournament organizer simpler. You can join the JustInBasil Discord Server here.


Prizing for the tournament will be dependent on participation in the tournament and will be announced on the JustInBasil Discord around the start of the tournament, once the official number of participants is known. Minimum prizing (with 8 participants) will be as follows:

1st Place: 8 VIV Codes
2nd Place: 4 VIV Codes


The structure of phase 1 will be Swiss, with 30-minute best-of-1 rounds. The number of Swiss rounds will be determined by the official Pokémon Tournament Handbook's guidelines. There must be 9 or more participants for a top cut. Top cut, if there is one, consist of 50-minute best-of-3 rounds. The tournament will have open deck lists, with deck lists becoming visible to other players at the start of round 1.

Players who fail to check in will receive a round loss. Players who fail to check in for two subsequent rounds in a row will be disqualified. All incomplete games at the end of a round will be recorded as ties.

Participants Swiss Rounds Top Cut
4-8 3 No Top Cut
9-12 4 Top 4
13-20 5 Top 4
21-32 5 Top 8
33-64 6 Top 8

All games should be sent as Expanded format with match timers enabled.


Always be respectful when conversing with tournament staff, other tournament participants, and other non-participating members of the JustInBasil Discord server. Failure to maintain proper sportsmanlike behavior will result in disqualification.

Also, because of the nature of these alternate formats, it is possible that you or your opponent may accidentally include illegal cards in your deck. Please review the Illegal Deck Process article on justinbasil.com to familiarize yourself with what to do in such a situation.

Tournament Structure

3 Swiss Rounds - BO1
30 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1