Niche Gaming Kickoff! No 3 Prizers+Mismagius!
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Organized by PatSteven
Custom format

Welcome all to Niche Gaming's first event! The format will be a user-voted format: No 3-Prizers! All pokemon worth 3 prize cards(Pokemon Tag Team-GX & Pokemon VMAX) will be banned for this event. All other cards in the current Standard format will be allowed, aside from the existing ban of Bellelba & Brycen Man CEC. Mismagius UNB will be allowed for this event.

Closed Decklists


  1. This is a paid entry tournament. Please send 2 packs of Vivid Voltage to PatSteven by Sunday March 7th at 9:00 PM CST or you will be dropped.
  2. Decklists must be standard legal, with the exception of the banning of all Pokemon Tag Team-GX and Pokemon VMAX, and the unbanning of Mismagius UNB.
  3. Registration and Deck Submission closes on Sunday March 7th at 9pm CST
  4. Round 1 will be up at 9 AM CST on Monday March 8th, with each round going up at 9 AM (or as close as I can get, give me some grace) the following day.
  5. Decklists will be closed.
  6. You must join the Discord:
  7. The prize pool will be based on attendance, and will be composed of all entry fee packs plus 100 Vivid Voltage packs submitted by TheTrueTCG, give him some love.
  8. Players must arrange with their opponents the time they wish to play, extensions will be granted on a case-to-case basis but try to play within the alloted time.
  9. Failure to show up to an agreed time to play within 15 minutes will result in a game 1 loss, failure to show up withing half an hour will result in a series loss. Show up to your matches on time.
  10. Picking the wrong deck or choosing the wrong player to go first will result in a game loss unless otherwise agreed upon by the opponent, click carefully people.
  11. Be respectful. The Mod team will no hesitate to hand out penalties to players who break this rule after an initial warning or upon egregious offense.
  12. If you have any other questions, ping me or any of the other judges in the discord server or request a judge on limitless.
  13. and most importantly, Have Fun!

Tournament Structure

4 Swiss Rounds - BO3
untimed rounds
no round check-in
Top Cut
2 Single Elimination Rounds - BO3
untimed rounds
no round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1