Random 4 expansion format
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Organized by DominikTCG
Custom format

I invite you to the tournament with intresting rules! Tournament format:

  • 4 randomly selected sets (Vivid voltage, Lost thunder, Boundaries crossed, Emerging powers) Link to draw of sets: https://youtu.be/1fl7DqH_rM4
  • No V, GX, EX and Ace spec cards!
  • Dissconnect or tie is a gameloss!

Tournament Structure: Swiss Bo1 30min (numer of rounds depends of total players). Top8 Bo3 60min. Entry fee is 2 Vivid voltage packs which have to be send to De2mix on PTCGO. Prize Pool depends on number of players.

Link to tournament discord: https://discord.gg/JUtRXCTK89

Tournament Structure

Phase 1
1 Single Elimination Round - BO3
60 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0