Organized by TwoFootNinja's Testing Grounds | |
Custom format | |
This tournament will be standard format (TEU-SHF) but with some cards banned and some cards added from older sets to replace them
Entry will be free, with Battle Styles packs for prizing (see bottom of page for details).
You MUST join the TwoFootNinja's Testing Grounds Discord server, since it helps us resolve issues, contact players better and easier prize distribution.
This tournament will enforce the pass-pass rule, since I feel that not being able to use a supporter turn 1 makes single prize decks struggle more. This pass-pass rule for those that do no know will mean: Player going first will pass without playing anything turn 1 then be able to play a supporter but not evolve or attack turn 2. Player going second will pass without playing anything turn 1 then be able to play a supporter and be able to attack, but not evolve turn 2. Failure to do so may result in a game loss (can be proved by game log).
With these additions and bans, I would hope to see a slower and more enjoyable format, where more skill is required to win games, instead of currently playing Crushing Hammer, Marnie and Chaotic Swell to brick your opponent out of the game, as well as speeding up the format too much with cards like Dedenne GX and Crobat V enabling ADP and Eternatus to take too many prizes or by one shotting everything.
This will be an evolving format, where any card may be added or removed to make improvements based on feedback and results. These changes will be made in upcoming tournaments which I will continue to run in the future. Feel free to come and join the Discord to discuss it.
Banned card reasons:
Zacian V - Too powerful and gate keeps too many Pokémon
Crushing Hammer - Too toxic for the current format and a coin flip makes it too frustrating and less skill based
Marnie - Too disruptive, often lose games just because your game winning hand is put on the bottom of the deck with no ways to recover the hand unlike cards like N
Reset Stamp - Too disruptive and powerful effect for just an item card as well as single sided unlike N
Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX - Taking an extra prize for such easy requirements gate keeps so many decks and speeds up the format too much
Dedenne GX - Speeds up the format too much and enables players to draw too many cards too quickly, unlike Tapu Lele GX which just aids consistency
Eternatus VMAX - Too much damage with such an easy requirement and too linear attack style
Pokémon Catcher - Coin flip gust effects are too luck based and frustrating for both players
Lillie's Poké Doll - Being able to just hide behind a Doll without any risk of losing prizes feels unnecessary and unhealthy for the game
Wondrous Labyrinth - Too Disruptive and forces people to play Chaotic Swell which I also wanted to remove (will be added back in once more stadiums come into the meta)
Welder - The card shouldn't be drawing cards on top of such an easy and powerful effect of energy acceleration, Blacksmith is a more fair and balanced card
Centiskorch VMAX - Too much damage and wanting to avoid one shotting VMAX Pokémon, also has too linear attack style
Altaria - Walls too easily against many multi prize Pokémon with not enough counters outside of Aegislash V and Greninja GX which most decks can't play, unlike Decidueye which requires support to get set up effectively
Mawile GX - Too often your opponent goes first and through no fault of your own, your support Pokémon which you needed to set up during your first turn is put on your bench with no effect
Chaotic Swell - Makes some decks that require a stadium completely unable to play the game and so prevents some decks from existing
Quick Ball - In big basic only decks, it is just an Ultra Ball but discarding 1 less card which is too easy to play in basic only decks
Boss's Orders - To be replaced with Custom Catcher as a more fair and balanced gust that requires more skill
(I would like to ban all TAG TEAM Pokémon and VMAX Pokémon since I believe they were a mistake to be created but it wouldn't leave enough cards to play with)
Cards with limited amounts:
- Crobat V - 2 Allowed - Is necessary to get burst draw at times, but not necessary to allow players to use 4 in a deck since it would speed up the format too much
Cards that will be allowed in addition to Standard format:
N - To replace Marnie and Reset Stamp as a more fair disruption and draw power
Cynthia - To replace Marnie as an additional draw supporter which doesn't discard
Tapu Lele GX - To replace Dedenne GX and the limited Crobat V as a more balanced consistency support Pokémon whilst not making the format faster
Scorched Earth - So that Blacksmith can be more viable and also aid fighting decks
Blacksmith - To replace Welder as a supporter for energy acceleration without the powerful effect of drawing cards as well
Gladion - Too many times you lose games due to the 1 card you need being your last prize card, this should lessen that
Special Charge - Allows decks that rely on cards like Twin Energy or Triple Acceleration Energy to be more viable and allow them to reuse those energies a little easier
Ditto Prism Star LOT - Allows single prize and evolution decks to be more viable and I believe should always exist in standard format
Professor Elm's Lecture - Promotes evolving single prize decks in a similar way to how Brigette used to
Nest Ball - Allows search of Basic Pokémon without discarding cards, but doesn't enable big basic decks to draw as consistently through Tapu Lele GX or Crobat V
Ultra Ball - To replace Quick Ball as a more balanced card that can search every Pokémon in your deck, by discarding 2 cards instead of 1, mainly to affect big basic only decks
Level Ball - It's coming in Battle Styles anyway and I believe it is a card we should already have to promote evolving decks
Korrina - Helps consistently find Fighting Pokémon and Item cards, which helps both single prizes decks and multi prize decks in a balanced way
Rescue Stretcher - Helps recover Pokémon either to hand or into deck, which is especially useful for decks where the attacker is knocked out each turn
Spell Tag - Helps single prize decks get a benefit from being knocked out regularly by being able to put additional damage counters on opponent's Pokémon, whilst not being too powerful
Counter Gain - Helps slower, more setup based decks function better against more aggressive decks when behind on prizes and relieves the pressure of getting an energy attachment on the first turn
Custom Catcher - More balanced and appropriate gusting option for the format that requires more skill and boosts consistency too
Bellelba & Brycen Man - Wasn't really a necessary ban and without Eternatus VMAX it will just be the milling effect which is necessary for mill decks
(apologies for control players, just trying to work with what we can currently)
Not abiding by these bans and sticking to only the aforementioned additions will result in being dropped.
You may use Professor Juniper or Professor Sycamore to replace Professor's Research if you would like Any issues call a judge for us to sort out.
Prizing will consist of 20 Battle Styles TCGO packs (will be sent out once they are tradable on TCGO) distributed in the following way:
- 1st - 10 packs
- 2nd - 6 packs
- 3rd - 4 packs