The Gazerbeam Tournament of Dreams 2
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PlaceNamePointsRecordOpp. Win %Opp. Opp. %DeckList
1BlakeM3311 - 2 - 0
2Kashvinder Singh3110 - 2 - 1
3st00ben3010 - 2 - 0
4Pitochus289 - 2 - 1
5Higashi248 - 3 - 0
6rdmellocosta248 - 3 - 0
7Jose Gonzalez248 - 3 - 0
8yuriherbert227 - 3 - 1
10xerneas12352227 - 2 - 1
11javich227 - 2 - 1
12Zach Russell206 - 2 - 2
13Sadlife196 - 3 - 1
14Welington Ferreira 196 - 3 - 1
15JHatter196 - 3 - 1
16Vini Fernandez186 - 4 - 0
17littledarkfury248 - 1 - 0
18SunnyGames25196 - 2 - 1
1976ers196 - 2 - 1
20Otisswag186 - 3 - 0
21APackOfAlpacas186 - 3 - 0
22PokemonFanclub186 - 3 - 0
23Seaside186 - 3 - 0
24MasterLeBui165 - 3 - 1
25ChaloZamorano165 - 3 - 1
26Vexora165 - 3 - 1
27Jbgiraffe97165 - 3 - 1
28wy keen165 - 3 - 1
29KaiserScorch165 - 3 - 1
30Dan Perez165 - 3 - 1
31mightymaxim165 - 3 - 1
32khrillz155 - 4 - 0
33Nixter155 - 3 - 057.50%53.40%
34Flabbergastedon155 - 3 - 055.58%54.36%
35Jesus2309d155 - 3 - 054.69%55.08%
36TheRicardoToddy155 - 3 - 054.11%49.76%
37Jonathan Guglielmo155 - 3 - 052.54%55.88%
38Axel Sarmento155 - 3 - 051.88%52.84%
39Shawn Miller155 - 3 - 049.79%53.61%
40Juan Matarrita155 - 3 - 049.12%54.09%
41AgenZ main155 - 3 - 048.44%52.83%
42boodlebit155 - 3 - 047.77%53.04%
43Stannytsunami155 - 3 - 047.19%53.73%
44SHSuperSonic155 - 3 - 046.07%53.08%
45Oscar M Mairena A155 - 3 - 045.46%53.26%
46VitorKF155 - 3 - 043.75%49.46%
47yoonbio321155 - 3 - 043.54%48.31%
48TioFloor155 - 3 - 042.50%52.64%
49morgcl155 - 3 - 041.00%51.82%
50WilfyDee134 - 3 - 153.13%46.52%
51MattyHaty134 - 3 - 140.18%48.24%
52Savid400124 - 3 - 0drop58.33%52.77%
53Italosreis124 - 4 - 0drop58.13%54.35%
54Gabriel Fernandez124 - 4 - 056.56%51.10%
55Guapss124 - 4 - 055.00%49.33%
56Jeremy A124 - 3 - 0drop54.95%52.95%
57budz1774124 - 3 - 0drop54.34%54.85%
58Christopher W124 - 3 - 0drop53.93%54.78%
59CapnKrunkCereal124 - 4 - 053.44%45.36%
60Tom Hellkamp124 - 3 - 0drop52.98%50.63%
61DanielRodas7124 - 4 - 052.92%46.80%
62Beefyhaj124 - 4 - 052.60%48.90%
63Joe G124 - 4 - 052.23%47.38%
64Machal124 - 4 - 051.52%53.11%
65Logan Adams124 - 4 - 050.00%51.17%
66KoolaidPops124 - 4 - 048.75%45.49%
67JDJ415Frizz124 - 4 - 048.44%50.38%
68DjWhatWhat124 - 4 - 048.13%48.15%
69ozzycarapia4124 - 4 - 048.08%51.53%
70Jake Gearhart 🏙️124 - 3 - 0drop47.45%49.67%
71Enkly124 - 4 - 046.79%47.57%
72MerryMichaelmas124 - 4 - 045.10%47.05%
73Mpelton02124 - 4 - 043.02%49.43%
74venomousjoke124 - 4 - 039.58%49.52%
75ssebango2103 - 2 - 1drop49.11%45.79%
76scytherl0w93 - 5 - 057.65%50.15%
77Lucas O93 - 4 - 0drop55.36%46.45%
78Jkray9293 - 5 - 055.00%48.22%
79ann0y1ngd0g93 - 3 - 0drop53.39%52.23%
80Coccobello93 - 5 - 051.56%52.82%
81iamflukeovo93 - 3 - 0drop51.19%55.51%
82Prax7693 - 3 - 0drop51.19%51.87%
83GarySmokesOak93 - 4 - 0drop50.77%49.33%
84Xavier E93 - 4 - 0drop50.36%49.39%
85Bruiserton93 - 2 - 0drop49.17%52.39%
86Pereira93 - 5 - 047.77%49.32%
87digitalmon93 - 3 - 0drop47.64%55.96%
88Luis Lima93 - 3 - 0drop47.22%50.53%
89Andrea Torrielli93 - 3 - 0drop45.56%48.97%
90NobodysMitchTTV93 - 5 - 044.64%50.01%
91FERIETV93 - 0 - 0drop43.45%56.21%
92JeyoV93 - 5 - 042.34%47.50%
938bitblanco93 - 5 - 041.79%46.74%
94Silentshedinja93 - 5 - 0drop41.61%50.13%
95Sharkapr93 - 5 - 041.44%46.58%
96Garocu93 - 2 - 0drop39.17%51.38%
97MWDC93 - 5 - 036.92%48.93%
98GadgetBadger72 - 4 - 1drop46.43%45.75%
99Mrpuffpuff72 - 5 - 146.21%42.51%
100SwissFiaro62 - 3 - 0drop61.93%53.44%
101Russell Maracle62 - 3 - 0drop60.00%49.37%
102BigBadDaddy12362 - 2 - 0drop56.87%52.34%
103andyvazquez62 - 3 - 0drop53.93%51.71%
104corcho562 - 3 - 0drop52.50%52.98%
105killerkeldeos62 - 3 - 0drop52.50%51.93%
106peteau8962 - 3 - 0drop52.50%49.32%
107Jorden Hamilton62 - 3 - 0drop50.50%50.69%
108Leadlomas62 - 3 - 0drop50.00%54.03%
109tassan5862 - 3 - 0drop49.67%52.40%
110MAP62 - 3 - 0drop49.67%46.53%
111Anti62 - 2 - 0drop49.38%48.00%
112sapocururu62 - 3 - 0drop49.17%46.95%
113Jonah270562 - 4 - 0drop47.92%46.49%
114Smokeyslim71862 - 3 - 0drop47.50%46.21%
115Hustledblue62 - 6 - 047.22%45.26%
116Rawrr62 - 6 - 044.64%46.04%
117EjCookie62 - 4 - 0drop43.89%46.49%
118Freakmyster462 - 4 - 0drop43.75%44.10%
119Chawizaud62 - 4 - 0drop43.06%46.04%
120ItsMeJoji62 - 2 - 0drop42.71%52.17%
121calorem662 - 3 - 0drop42.17%51.68%
122Cobi Kawasaki62 - 3 - 0drop39.07%47.93%
123Geekonargentina62 - 3 - 0drop37.50%51.23%
124Nightry1162 - 3 - 0drop34.38%49.29%
125Squid31 - 3 - 0drop56.87%41.20%
126PokemonDanFanTCG31 - 2 - 0drop51.55%49.64%
127Trican31 - 3 - 0drop50.62%49.41%
128obobryan31 - 3 - 0drop50.00%45.40%
129Ultrasonicgreen31 - 3 - 0drop50.00%45.36%
130pasgeddy31 - 4 - 0drop49.17%48.29%
131mrtech31 - 2 - 0drop49.17%48.06%
132zattack1031 - 4 - 0drop47.50%44.43%
133Gabriel Smart31 - 2 - 0drop47.22%49.62%
134capahab31 - 3 - 0drop46.88%50.10%
135mrpokemon1731 - 2 - 0drop46.67%47.76%
136Yeska0831 - 4 - 0drop46.67%43.29%
137homemadebiscuit31 - 2 - 0drop45.83%50.11%
138Chris Arroyo31 - 3 - 0drop44.37%45.97%
139CaRif731 - 2 - 0drop44.05%47.67%
140Yuya Satake31 - 3 - 0drop43.33%45.78%
141Abdenur31 - 3 - 0drop42.71%48.93%
142AndreNGraham31 - 3 - 0drop42.71%48.05%
143Luis Lomeli31 - 2 - 0drop42.50%55.29%
144Robert Hinds31 - 3 - 0drop42.41%43.74%
145wimble2331 - 3 - 0drop41.25%46.80%
146mrdarthbean31 - 3 - 0drop41.25%46.67%
147mikemike222231 - 3 - 0drop39.02%43.81%
148Upsettingpuma31 - 2 - 0drop37.50%43.23%
149jwhite22831 - 3 - 0drop35.89%45.21%
150Bernardo3010301031 - 5 - 0drop34.72%45.80%
15119Thunder6400 - 2 - 0drop68.75%51.88%
152Juankcandi00 - 3 - 0drop62.50%55.39%
1534runnermaster00 - 1 - 0drop62.50%55.31%
154Samsonite01300 - 2 - 0drop56.25%50.22%
155Valter Junior00 - 3 - 0drop54.17%48.24%
156Sconniebass00 - 3 - 0drop53.21%45.40%
157kungfufita00 - 3 - 0drop50.83%47.74%
158Everton Fernando dos Santos00 - 1 - 0drop50.00%51.52%
159woliwilow00 - 2 - 0drop50.00%49.21%
160MiriamPlays00 - 5 - 0drop49.17%48.34%
161shupp3t00 - 2 - 0drop48.75%46.79%
162luigylira00 - 2 - 0drop47.92%44.73%
163Riverisco00 - 3 - 0drop45.83%48.73%
164Juniorxxgaming00 - 4 - 0drop45.83%46.20%
165SlavenTizic00 - 3 - 0drop45.83%45.26%
166viktorkk00 - 2 - 0drop45.24%49.13%
167BoltRyan00 - 3 - 0drop44.05%46.47%
168nododgetaj00 - 3 - 0drop41.67%51.65%
169Juan Andree 🏭🔥00 - 1 - 0drop40.00%50.00%
170cecg00 - 5 - 0drop38.50%44.97%
171paspantoute00 - 4 - 0drop34.38%46.24%
172RevyPTCGO00 - 4 - 0drop34.38%46.05%
173Redmoltres2600 - 2 - 0drop32.50%46.51%
174goldenboyx00 - 3 - 0drop29.17%49.82%
175Fidelio S00 - 2 - 0drop29.17%47.81%