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Organized by Atlas Championship Series
Monday, January 11, 2021
02:15 PM UTC
Expanded format

The 15th Vivid Voltage legal mini event of the Atlas Collectables Championship Series! You must join our discord!

All free to enter, all prized, all the time.

Best of 3 untimed matches.

Swiss + Top Cut

Closed/Hidden Decklists Black & White to Vivid Voltage

You must play one round every day. If you fail to schedule a game in time it will be a tie, or your opponent will get the win depending on the circumstances.

1st - $25 CAD Atlas Store Credit + 50 Atlas Points

2nd - $15 CAD Atlas Store Credit + 40 Atlas Points

Top 4- $5 CAD Atlas Store Credit + 32 Atlas Points

Top 8 - 25 Atlas Points (With a minimum of 24 players)

Top 16 - 20 Atlas Points (With a minimum of 48 players)

Top 32 - 16 Atlas Points (With a minimum of 100 players)

Top 64 - 13 Atlas Points (With a minimum of 200 players)

Contact me through: Draydon Davis on Facebook

@FlyingCorpses on Twitter

Tournament Structure

8 Swiss Rounds - BO3
1440 minutes per round
no round check-in
players with 18 or more points advance to the next phase
Top Cut
4 Single Elimination Rounds - BO3
1440 minutes per round
no round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1