Welcome to the Blazing Exeggutor crew’s No EX No problem Tournament Series. Below you will find more information about this 8 tournament format with multiple prizes and a chance to enter the No Problem Invitational tournament! Where the grand prize is currently set at 1000$ USD 
We require you to join our Discord to participate in our tournaments Please join here https://discord.gg/k4sRNv7JKT , This is where the code will be given to join our tournaments, Simply make sure to select the tournament participant role when joining and the channel for the code for the current tournament will be posted in #tournament-codes for you to join, it is also where we will answer most questions and concerns regarding any and all tournaments All information based on the tournament and during the tournament proceedings will be on the discord.
In order to receive Payment a member must register on Matcherino, this just allows users to verify how they want to be paid. Primarily it will use paypal so please be mindful, This also allows users to increase each base tournament prize pool. https://matcherino.com/series/2666/overview
If you do not join and do not get the information you need then we can not be held liable for any problems or concerns you have if you chose not to join to stay up to date.
Twitter/X https://x.com/BlazinExeggutor
Prize Pool
Tournament Entry is completely FREE
The base prize pool will start at 200$ usd and after every successful tournament we will add 100$ USD to a grand total of 1000$ for the final prize pool.
If people wish to donate further during the final series they may do so and we will stream all incoming donations to the prize pool during the final tournament stream for full transparency if people wish to donate.
Donations can be made here blazingexeggutorcrew@gmail.com on paypal.com
Each individual tournament in the series has a base prize pool of 50$ usd
In our discord we will Multiple channels to stream your game if you wish to be featured on the twitch channel.
- To prevent cheating only one member is allowed to stream per channel and only staff members can join in order to stream it to the twitch channel, stream will be modified to ensure that no advantage is given to any player, if you wish to stream notify a staff member in discord to gain access to one of the channels. We may ask some members to stream during the tournament so please be advised, you are more than welcome to decline and no one is required stream.
Point Breakdown: wins =3 points ties =1 point
Advancing : players who earn 21 points will advance to the single elimination bracket
Forcing ties: Any player found guilty of forcing ties will receive an immediate round loss, if this happens twice you will be dropped from the tournament for disruptive gameplay, this is why it is imperative to screenshot and screen record all evidence otherwise we cannot prove these things
In the discord we will hold a poll on whether we start rounds early or if we wait for the full round time
Round time will be 40 minutes which should be plenty of time to play 3 matches.
Deck Format:
Deck Rules: Pokemon pocket allows 20 cards
Restrictions: NoEX cards allows (single point pokemon only)
Number of decks allowed: While some card games allow a side deck or alternate deck there will be no such thing in this format.
Decklist Submission: You must submit your decklist on Limitless. Players who do not submit their list before the tournament starts will be dropped automatically.
Check-in policy: You must check-in for each match within 5 minutes. Failing to do so will result in an automatic match loss. If you do not check-in after another 5 minutes, you will receive a second match loss. The check-in time for the Top-Cut will be extended to 10 and minutes due to the unpredictable duration of the rounds. However if you go afk and do not respond in 10 minutes you lose the round.
Incorrect deck: If you've chosen the wrong deck at the beginning of a match, do not start to play and restart immediately. Pressing "start play" results in an immediate match loss. Screenshots with 0 turns played and 0 cards played will result in a rematch without penalty.
Bugs and Glitches: If you encounter issues like game freezing, internet problems, or crashes, it will result in a match loss for the affected player, unless the game can be continued. If the issue occurs at the start or a player can't load in, screenshots with 0 turns won't give a win.
Completed matches: After completing your matches, please remember to submit the results. Be sure to keep screenshots of each round in case any disputes arise.
Bad manners and Inappropriate behavior: Players displaying bad manners toward others or staff will receive an immediate game loss. Continued misconduct may lead to disqualification, while further offenses could result in a season-long ban. Bad manners include insults, toxicity, bullying, and harassment.
Streaming: Players are welcome to stream and record their matches on any platform. However, those found guilty of stream sniping or using their opponent's stream for an unfair advantage will face immediate disqualification.
Some streaming will also be done by our tournament staff, anyone who wishes not to be on stream must let us know beforehand that way we can make sure to not include or skip you during our streaming sessions.
Call a Judge: If you encounter any issues with Limitless, the game or your opponent, please use the "Call a Judge" feature within Limitless. A judge will join your chat and help you with your problem.
Additionally any unforeseen issues not mentioned above please take a screenshot and annotate said issue and submit it to our discord in the #tournament-issues section. Additionally if the problem is very severe also email us at blazing exeggutorcrew@gmail.com
Prizes: per tournament
1st: $25
2nd: $15
3rd & 4th: $5
The top players will earn Exeggutive points according to the table below.
The top players in each season's Exeggutor league tournament earn season points according to the table below. Each player's individual 8 top placements are counted toward their ranking.
A season spans the length of one main set, and at the end of the season the top 64 players will be invited to an exclusive tournament to compete for the Exeggecutive Season crown.
Exeggutive series finals!:
64 players
in case a tie the match will be restarted until a winner is chosen
single eliminations
there will be a break between the each new round
Top 16 Must have the ability to stream in discord. We will ensure no cheating happens.
Members will be on time and follow all rules and guidelines
Members are allowed to stream but we advise putting a delay on their stream to further prevent cheating
Finals Prize Pool:
Subject to change
1st 500$
2nd 250$
3rd-4th 75$
6th-8th 25$
note that prize pool can increase depending on the season but never decrease.
Contact Us:
You can find us on our discord at: https://discord.gg/k4sRNv7JKT
You can email us at: blazingexeggutorcrew@gmail.com
Additional Season Points :
- In our server we hold ranked battles where you have a chance to earn additional season points and more cash prizes
Point Structure
Finish | Points | Kicker |
1st | 200 | |
2nd | 175 | |
Top 4 | 150 | |
Top 8 | 100 | |
Top 16 | 60 | 32 |
Top 32 | 40 | 64 |
Top 64 | 25 | 128 |
Top 128 | 15 | 256 |
Top 256 | 10 | 512 |
Top 512 | 10 | 1028 |
Top 1028 | 5 | 2048 |