The Dream Ball Dream League Season 1

Welcome to the Dream Ball Dream League!

This is the inaugural season of the first-ever tournament to use the Dream Ball Format — and I bet that the Dream Ball Dream Team will be mentioned on the world's broadcast.

What is the Dream Ball Format?

The Dream Ball Format consists of the following rules:

  1. Each deck must include 4 Peonia and 4 Dream Balls.
  2. Every deck must have a minimum of 4 evolution Pokémon that do not have their basic equivalent in the deck.
  3. No card that allows an evolution Pokémon to be put into play (other than Dream Ball) is allowed. For example, Mirage Step Kirlia or Lugia are not allowed.
  4. All decks must use cards from the current standard format.

Here are two examples of what a Dream Ball Format deck may look like:

How does the season work?

The season will consist of 8 weekly rounds where players compete for points, followed by an invitation-only event for either the top 16 or top 8 players (to be determined). The player who emerges victorious in this event will be bestowed with the title of True Dreamer (or something similar, I'm not entirely sure yet).

Points distribution may change during the season — we're still working on this.

As of the time of writing, we do not have any sponsors or prizes; however, we hope this will change as soon as possible!

Join our Discord here and follow me on Twitter and Twitch to stay updated on the latest developments. Let's make this Dream Ball Dream League a memorable one!

Point Structure


Top 311
Top 410
Top 59
Top 68
Top 77
Top 86
Top 96
Top 105
Top 115
Top 124
Top 133
Top 142
Top 152
Top 161
Best Finish Limit: 4