
Welcome to SpearPillar!

Founded March 9th, 2023

Home of:

SpearPillar S/V Cart Tours | Season 6 | Saturday @11:00 AM EDT

SpearPillar Region Rumble | 2024 Season | For More details, make sure to check out the event webpage https://devoncorp.press/region-rumble

Grand Grassroots Circuit - North American Regionals | 1 Regional Event per Region, Per Month |NA Regionals are the 1st Sunday of Each Month, at 11:00 AM EDT when Season is active| Other Regions include: Europe - VGCTrainerSchool & Oceania - Pokefolk | For More details, make sure to check out the event webpage https://devoncorp.press/grand-grassroots-circuit

VGCKingdom x SpearPillar Summer Series | 2024 Season | Select Sundays at 11:00 AM EDT: June 23rd, July 14th, August 4th

Chaos League x SpearPillar Special Events | 3 Special Events per Season of SpearPillar S/V Cart Tours on Select Sundays at 12:00 PM EDT | Season 4 Special Event Dates: June 30th, July 21st, August 11th

SpearPillar Showdown! | Retired

SpearPillar BO3 Practice Stadium|Retired



Pokémon Day Week x SpearPillar 2025 Tour #227 Registrations
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #60|Reg G|$20 for 1st7 Registrations


Pokémon Day Week x SpearPillar 2025 Tour #183
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #59|Reg G|$20 for 1st94
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #58|Reg G|$20 for 1st64
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #57|Reg G|$20 for 1st124
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #56|Reg G|$20 for 1st90
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #55|Reg G|$20 for 1st127
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #54|Reg G|$20 for 1st132
USPA x SpearPillar Winter Tour|Reg G|$300 Prize353
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #52|Reg H|Shiny Prize27
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #51|Reg H|Toronto Prep32
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #50|100th Tour|$ Prize91
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #49 |Reg H - $20 for 1st105
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #48 |Reg H - $20 for 1st95
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #47 |Reg H - $20 for 1st88
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #46 |Reg H - $20 for 1st81
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #45 |Reg H - $20 for 1st112
Grand Grassroots Circuit - NA Regional 2 ($ Prize)11
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #44 |Reg H - $20 for 1st167
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #43 |Reg H - $20 for 1st84
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #42|Reg H - $20 for 1st72
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #41|Reg H - $20 for 1st102
Grand Grassroots Circuit - NA Regional 1 ($ Prize)54
SpearPillar S/V Master’s Cup #44
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #3934
VGCKingdom x SpearPillar Summer Series 3 ($50-1st)89
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #3750
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #3665
VGCKingdom x SpearPillar Summer Series 2 ($50-1st)97
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #3545
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #3487
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #3340
VGCKingdom x SpearPillar Summer Series 1 ($50-1st)144
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #3289
SpearPillar S/V Master’s Cup #33
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #3175
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #30101
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #29 (NAIC Prep)95
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #28110
SpearPillar Region Rumble Global Qualifier45
SpearPillar Region Rumble North America Qualifier35
SpearPillar Region Rumble Asia/Pacific Qualifier38
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #27 (LA Regional Prep)65
SpearPillar Region Rumble Oceania Qualifier15
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #2668
SpearPillar Region Rumble Latin America Qualifier18
SpearPillar Region Rumble Europe Qualifier55
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #25 - Reg G101
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #2329
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #2237
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #2136
SpearPillar S/V Master’s Cup #213
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #2096
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #19 (Vancouver Prep)90
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #18182
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #1748
Pokémon Day Week x SpearPillar Saturday Showdown126
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #16208
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #1570
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #14 (Dortmund Prep)139
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #13 (Knoxville Prep)75
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #12 (Charlotte Prep)55
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #11152
1st SpearPillar S/V Master’s Cup9
3rd SpearPillar Invitational Cup4
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #10 (Stuttgart Prep)80
SpearPillar Showdown #2917
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #9 49
SpearPillar Showdown #2836
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #8 (Brisbane Prep)84
SpearPillar Showdown #2728
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #747
SpearPillar Showdown #2625
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #690
SpearPillar Showdown #2531
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #5 57
SpearPillar Showdown #2419
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #4 (Toronto Prep)42
SpearPillar Showdown #2312
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #3 (Lille Prep)50
SpearPillar Showdown #2218
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #2 (Sacramento Prep)19
SpearPillar Showdown #2127
SpearPillar Practice Stadium #54
SpearPillar S/V Cart Tour #1 (Peoria Prep)118
2nd SpearPillar Invitational Cup11
SpearPillar Practice Stadium #44
SpearPillar Practice Stadium #35
SpearPillar Practice Stadium #29
SpearPillar Practice Stadium #13
SpearPillar Showdown #1919
SpearPillar Showdown #1858
SpearPillar Showdown #1771
SpearPillar Showdown #1617
SpearPillar Showdown #1516
SpearPillar Showdown #1423
SpearPillar Showdown #1318
SpearPillar Showdown #1213
SpearPillar Showdown #1122
1st SpearPillar Invitational Cup9
SpearPillar Showdown #1019
SpearPillar Showdown #918
SpearPillar Showdown #810
SpearPillar Showdown #712
SpearPillar Showdown #69
SpearPillar Showdown #523
SpearPillar Showdown #423
SpearPillar Showdown #323
SpearPillar Showdown #221
SpearPillar Showdown #113
Show all completed tournaments