LT Cart practice tour #1 (5 Ability Patches)
Organized by Lycopoky S
Scarlet & Violet - Regulation H

Hello everyone, for this tournament i will be starting a new series of tournaments called the Cart Practice tour! This is the first one i will host and will continue it for this month (and it's planned to also happen sometimes along with the Showdown tours)

Anyways, here are the rules:

No toxicity, i strictly ban this type of behavior as it's not fun for those who have to put up with it and it's just immature in general When you have an issue, call a judge or report it in the Discord Server, i want to help out solve issues like this and want the best for everyone

If your opponent has not responded in Top Cut for 15 minutes give yourself the win then, do NOT give yourself the win if 15 minutes has not passed

Please no teamsheet errors when the mon in question has more than one ability, i understand mistakes happen but it shouldn't be very common and i regularly look at my teamsheets in case there is something wrong or i need to change the team, if a mistake were to happen and the mon has more than 1 ability you can change it but at the cost of 1 round

If you break any rules you can get a warning, a loss, a DQ or even a ban depending on the severety, please follow them! Anyways here are the other things i will impose for my tournaments

Depending on the amount of players, i will go with either 2-2 all the way to 7-2 or 7-3 requirements,Top Cut isn't meant to be easy to get to you know

Cart tournaments will have 40 minutes each round and Showdown tournaments will have 30 minutes each round, this is just in case if i am not available to continue helping out the tournament so that way it goes on it's own easier

Have Fun! Reminder these tours are meant for fun not to be frustrated at and if you feel frustrated/don't want to play more then feel free to drop from the tournament

Tournament Structure

5 Swiss Rounds - BO3
40 minutes per round
10 minute round check-in
8 players advance to the next phase
Elim Bracket
Single Elimination Bracket - BO3
untimed matches
no match check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0