Timeless trainers

Midweek Masters: Timeless Trainers Showdown

Get ready for an exciting Wednesday night Pokémon tournament like no other! Join fellow Timeless Trainers in this midweek battle of strategy, skill, and determination. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a budding champion, this event will put your abilities to the test. Who will claim the title of Midweek Master?

Tournament Structure

Phase 1

  • Format: 6 Swiss Rounds - Best of 1 (BO1)
  • Time per round: 30 minutes
  • Round check-in: 3 minutes before each round
  • Scoring:
    • Wins = 3 match points
    • Ties = 1 match point
    • Losses = 0 match points

Don't miss out on this action-packed tournament! Assemble your strongest Deck, sequence you plays, and battle it out to become the ultimate Midweek Master!



Midweek Madness2 Registrations


Midweek Madness105
Midweek Madness40
Midweek Madness56
Midweek Madness63
Midweek Madness42
Monday Fun Day55
Midweek Masters: Timeless Trainers Showdown5
Friday funday #213
Friday fun day24
Valkyrie tcg #127